That's so sad. Mine are indoor only cats and that extends their life expectancy so much. I just found a cat a few weeks ago in Udon, at first I thought laying there, maybe needed water, but the cat ended up dying even after I took it quickly to the vet. Maybe poison or some pathogen, but life for an outside cat is very hard. Thank you for trying Charles-we are often the last home for these animals.
I am heavy into cat rescue and some dog rescue. Mine would not be in cabin. My plan is go to San Francisco first, then direct to BKK. Stay there a day or two, then hire a bus to Udon area where my place will be. I would use a pet relocation service, but no issues buying more tickets if needed. I have cats in Philippines at my place there as my girl is coming along too with me. My life is animal rescue for sure :-)
Mine are indoor only cats with lots of space and exposure to pathogens would be outside cats exponentially so. Cats dying in transport is EXTREMELY rare.
I have a plot of land to build a home on. I was married to a Thai for 9 years, divorced 6 years ago and still have a large farm I can build on. No bad stories to tell on that regard, we are extremely good friends and her family is still my family. I am planning on building a large home on the family land.