Thank you! I am about 12 months or less out on this. My home is not yet started on the build and will not unless I know I can line everything up. These are strictly indoor cats, really living the life. My US vet is a USDA vet and my friend, so I get the shots, microchip and paperwork <sigh>. I know it will be a PITA and I will have my place lined up before I move them. I usually do TNVR but I find myself doing all types of work there and with dogs too. My girl is in Philippines as I have a place there, and we have 3 cats there too that will join us. I have contacts in BKK that can help possibly with any government issues as I volunteered with the Thai police on the technology end previously but I hate to ask for favors and would prefer to do things the proper way. DM sent and thank you!
May I find out how this process goes, I see I need to go to Animal Quarantine Station (AQS) and apply 15 days before my trip, but any limit? I know this is a strange case is all with so many I might as well have an ark.
The amount of REALLY offensive comments on here posting is sad. Just rude comments, hurting animals. For what? To think you are cool? The people that are cool are helping people, the world, animals, those are cool. THANK YOU to the nice comments and concern about my indoor only cats. I moderate a few Facebook groups and I would not tolerate this behavior, but it is the same thing, blocked profiles, people hiding behind their keyboards. Enjoy life, help others and try not to be so mean-you might just enjoy what life you have left more than you do now. To the others, THANK YOU-I appreciate all the kind words.
Andy Thompson I have seen the snakes come through the toilet in my family home in Udon, they have nothing to prevent it. My cats live in an 8000 square foot home, roughly 800sq meters. I am building something a little bigger in Thailand. If that's cruel, I think we can find a lot of people to move in 555. I've been to 26 countries in my life, honestly Thailand is my #1 country next the America to live. I love the language and most importantly the people and it is a great fit for me. I never had any issues in Thailand, but then again I am helping animals most of the time or riding my bike not doing "bad foreigner stuff" in red light areas or the like.
Yes, build first. I have a family house there now, but small I can use, but I would never put my cats there. I know this is going to be like 50K or whatever it is, I get it. The cats per airline traveling rule is 2 or 3 depending, but you can ship the lot pout using a pet courier I believe, but with a retirement visa, I simply don't know and why I posted. You make great points with the stress, totally agree and my friend is a Thai engineer who will inspect as it is built. I don't know how much it would be to charter a plane, my guess is many hundreds of thousands minimum and I would do it is I had to, but I think there is another way. Thanks for caring about the kitties in your post too!
This is a visa forum, perhaps refer to "Thailand Visa Advice | DTV | Retirement & More" Why do you feel the need to post, to just watch your gratuitous condescension? That is a question you should be asking yourself.
I know of that place and been in rescue for decades. I do my own gig really and focus on Trap Vaccinate Neuter Release. I also have a plot of land that I can build on east of Udon but so much to do there. Soi Dog does great work for sure!