Not to brag, not my intent. I am worth millions as a founder of a technology company and invested and just started different business in 3 countries. When I divorced, my X wanted zero, absolutely zero money from me. There are good people in this world and her and her family have been better to me than my own family in my life. I hear all this stuff on the internet about K-1 visa, girls ripped the guy off, et cetera but in my case the opposite story. No prenup, nothing. I keep my big bike at the family home, they offered to give it to me, but I do not want the home as I want a big place. There are good stories out there, but many people do not share them. I am only sharing that to you as your last statement "just trying to help you" I believe is sincere.
The place that needs it the most I have seen is Philippines, the absolute worst conditions I have seen, but I can't live there. I really love Thailand and have a lot of good friends there too. Thank you for the nice comment.
I briefly asked the man at the airport in BKK and he said cats were not an issue. His English was non existent and my Thai is maybe 5000 usable words, but he also said no quarantine for them. The answer I want to solidly it, as I have a lot on the line if I am building a home there which I want to start shortly.
I think it is emailed the Animal Quarantine Station (AQS) if I am reading correctly. I do not see a limit on the number and while unusual for sure, I can see where they might have some questions as if I was a breeder.
Super frequent traveler here and ALWAYS ask the customer officer to stamp right by the other ones in a kind demeanor. This is immensely important if you travel a lot.
Got a place to be build lined up big enough as I had it through marriage and my X and family and I are super close, no issues building on it. Adopt more, that's the plan, get more of them hehe. I mainly do TNVR, but I do rescue in Philippines, US, Brazil and Thailand. I TRY not to take them home, but sometimes GOD has a different plan for me.