Again I’m not getting into an English grammar debate with someone for which I doubt English is their first language, secondly you just said anyone who applied for the dtv is not going to stay 180 days then leave ? But the visa literally says you have to regardless of your return so I think it’s you that’s having a hard time understanding basic rules.
you’re saying use common sense but all you have to do is read. It says staying LONGER than 180 days can you physically do that on a DTV without any action ? No I can’t teach you comprehension you should have learnt in high school.
you’re being pedantic in an attempt to hide the fact you bought into some rumors and now attempting to spread said rumors on Facebook.You replied to my grammar but had nothing to say about the completely incorrect point you sadly attempted to prove. Maybe if you spent less time correcting English people about their english grammar you’d be less inclined to pick up virtual Pom Poms and be a Facebook gossip cheerleader !
thanks for further proving my point ; In the sources you provided which say it’s a proposed taxation btw it states “Thailand’s Revenue Code would mandate that individuals who live in Thailand for 180 days or more would be required to pay tax on their overseas income,” you can’t stay longer than 180 days on dtv without leaving or renewal. So I’m really confused as to what your taking seriously if your not even comprehending the time frame of the sources you provided