Lucia ********
This is a summary of
Lucia ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 3 comments.



Lucia *********
Hi Natalie, Thank you for the information. my 1st question is, I believe they require proof of residency? Are they looking for a rental agreement for your stay in Thailand prior to being approved? I hate to get into a rental agreement for a year only to find out I maybe rejected. 2nd question, do you know if there is a penalty or a time limit on how long you can be out of the country (Thailand) during a year, for example, if I wanted to visit and stay in another country for say 6 months, would that be a problem?
Lucia *********
what is this 90 day reporting? if you have a non-immigrant O visa for a year. Are you required to leave Thailand every 90 days, or just report where you are currently staying every 90 days? Do I need a multi entry visa along with a non-immigrant retirement visa if I want to travel to other countries during my 1 year retirement visa.