AL ********
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AL ********
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AL ********
I’m telling you the truth everybody that’s saying get married doesn’t give a F about you if you’re so madly in love take half of everything you have and I mean Everything and give it to her before you get married and see what happens if she stays fantastic if she takes everything and leaves fantastic because it’s only half if you have to divorce her it’s going to cost you a lot more
AL ********
It’s a suckers bet for the men and jackpot for the women
AL ********
If you marry and it doesn’t work out then what can you still live your lifestyle loosing 50% or more of everything that you worked all your life for???
AL ********
Any man that gets married is a schmuck it’s a suckers bet are you willing to lose 50% of everything plus now if you ask me should the woman marry you absolutely she’s not going to lose anything she’s going to profit marriage is not for men it’s all for the woman Don’t do it
AL ********
You ever hear Don’t bring sand to the beach
AL ********
@Sherry *******
what service did you use I’m in Hua Hin I use a local service
AL ********
Call a visa service they charge very little for what they do tell them exactly what you want they will save you a lot of aggravation