Rob ********
This is a summary of
Rob ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 4 questions and added 10 comments.



Rob *********
Can you also apply for a visa online for 60 days then apply for extension 30 days, then fly out for one week and do the same process again, many thanks in advance.
Rob *********
A bus into Cambodia is not proof of onward travel, I plan on hopefully visiting where I used to teach, this option was much cheaper than flying. So what it sounds like you are saying I have to fly in and won't get the visa if my onward travel is by coach, crazy
Rob *********
@Tod ********
just one question I am getting a bus out when I leave to Cambodia but my plans might change and I might fly back to the UK, does this make a difference as long as I leave before visa expires 🙏 sorry if questions seem stupid
Rob *********
Yes have downloaded the form, it just says photographs not how many
Rob *********
Download the application and take with me, OK.. It can't be that difficult 👌