Gayaanan ***********
This is a summary of
Gayaanan ***********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 9 comments.



Gayaanan ************
@Amin **********
just be careful because depending on where you apply they need anywhere from 1-6 months of funds in that account and won't accept recent transfers into accounts
Gayaanan ************
@Klee *************
oh I see, did they give you an explanation as to what the issue is?
Gayaanan ************
Was your funds for the 500k in an investment account or rrsp/TFSA? I think Canada is a bit weird about that
Gayaanan ************
Did the school have to have a special license from a ministry in thailand or can we get this from any muay thai gyms in thailand?
Gayaanan ************
@Tod ********
oh that's great to hear! thanks for the follow up, much appreciated!
Gayaanan ************
ohhh I see, that's good to know. Will talk to the school and try to coordinate, thank you both!
Gayaanan ************
thanks! so its better to cancel just to be sure (im from canada so i can come back with a two month visa exemption). How long do I have to leave the country if I cancel my ED visa? Do i have to leave on the day its cancelled? Thank you