no not lucky. I was not gaming the system. I was using a multi entry tourist visa as I worked out of the country. I did my research and had four options. Marriage visa, Ed visa, Thai elite,get a job in thailand.
Marriage visa I needed paperwork from the embassy that's not available. So that's not going to work.
Ed visa. Pay a chunk for an ed visa and learn thai.
Thai elite. Pay a huge chunk and not have an issue for years
Get a job. Ah sure. But nobody is needing what I am skilled with in thailand at the moment.
Not luck. I explored and talked about my options with agents and immigration. And made my decision.
yes I'm a foriegner. Good catch. I am living here with my wife. Married well before covid. I have already sorted my visa issues. Not difficult. I had my options and choose. But I was not going to wait until the last minutes.
yes there is. None of you can see it because your all waiting for a hand out instead of being an adult and going to talk to immigration or a visa agent.
Sad to say the plan was for everybody to go deal with immigration or a visa service or make plans of some sort before the 31st of July.