I think you should move to the North Pole and come of the grid for a few decades. your paranoia is getting g the better of you this is not good for the stress levels
lol it’s not a case of being gullible it’s more a case of not being a paranoid fool that’s scared of your own shadow. Why would you really think anyone would be bothered about your comings and going’s unless you are a bad person.
if the Thailand secret service (does that even exist?) wants to track to see when I go to 7-11 or when I go to the lucky Thai restaurant or see how long I spend on the beach each day they are welcome to that information lol. And are you sure Facebook and google follow international laws all the time?
why are you bothered about being tracked? You are all ready tracked by Facebook and google they know all your moves. How does google know where all the traffic jams are in the world? It’s not because they monitor cameras, It’s because they are tracking everyone with a smart phone So what is the problem ?????
so you are going on holiday.Stay at home and wait until you are allowed to. Visiting your boyfriend is not essential it’s a holiday no matter what spin you put on it