Kevin ********
This is a summary of
Kevin ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 3 questions and added 8 comments.



Kevin *********
The school can send the documents to your hotel via DHL or some other service. No need to meet anyone at the border.
Kevin *********
Ah alright. My school just said I would need a new letter anyway so I don't think it's an option for me.
Kevin *********
Well, in my situation the guy stated the rule correctly as you explained it here (running year). A year from my last application last November 13th, 2017. Are you saying Savannakhet might not be following neither the false calendar year rule nor the running year rule?
Kevin *********
I think you're right about the paperwork needing to be different. I'll figure out today what I'll do. Probably just easier to wait it out. Waiting in that queue again is not something I look forward to though.
Kevin *********
Ah alright. Guess I missed the memo. Lesson learned.
Kevin *********
This is the same for a USA passport too. You get the document with your new passport and the Thai immigration transfers it for free.