Mark ***********
This is a summary of
Mark ***********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 5 questions and added 11 comments.



Mark ************
Last time it took me 2 hours and a full page of paperwork. That's easier than at the airport? Thanks :-)!
Mark ************
@Tod ********
no, something wrong with my computer. But I live close to Immigration so no big deal. I’ll try again next time. Thank you for checking.
Mark ************
No, I have never tried online. Good idea. Do you have a walk-through of how to do it? Thank you.
Mark ************
All good, I'll go tomorrow. Better safe than sorry (or 2,000 THB poorer). Thank you again. Merry Christmas.
Mark ************
90 day report is due on December 31 but I fly out on January 2. I was hoping since we're allowed 7 days later to report it would be ok to fly out 2 days late?