Tamir ************
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Tamir ************
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Tamir ************
I think no one understands the question, let me try :

Main dtv holder can sponsor his siblings and dependents

Therefore he his asking if his father will be main DTV

And him as “son” …
Tamir ************
@Shannon ******
yes i am fully prepared, but they never further asked for extra besides money right?
Tamir ************
@Kevin ******
i will get it closer to departure of thai (dual citizenship)
Tamir ************
@Kevin ******
if approved on the “old” could be transferred if both shown? I have 25 days to exit thailand
Tamir ************
Must specify passport number? I am making renewal at the moment
Tamir ************
@Tod ********
great to know, i am holding a brand new Hungarian passport in Thailand on (different passport ed)

Should in apply online and re enter fresh or jump to hanoi and apply in person
Tamir ************
My stock protfolio tanked to a dip from 1mb to 499k i am anxious