Jonathan *****
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Jonathan *****
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 8 comments.


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Jonathan *****
9 people voted to remove you; over 1930 people voted to keep you. You have the answer, Tod.
Jonathan *****
I was asked today about my return flight by the Malaysian Airlines staff during check-in. If you don't have a long term visa, you may be asked by the airlines during check-in or by Thai immigration after arrival.
Jonathan *****
@Saige *****
I used Hagen Pet Voyageur 300 series. The carrier size is 24.3 in L x 16.7 in W x 14.5 H

This size allowed my adult cat stood and turned easily inside.

I prepared a hanging pet water bottle and some dry food. Some cats may stop eating and drinking when they are in an unfamiliar environment. But they will be back to normal 1 day or 2 after landing.
Jonathan *****
@Saige *****
Sure. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions. The airlines stored my cat in the compartment with room temperature. He came out just fine in Bangkok.
Jonathan *****
I flew my cat as a checked luggage with Thai Airways this year.
Jonathan *****
@Francesco *********
Understand your frustration as I was in a similar situation but not with Thailand. Persistent calls until I got hold with the authority and got it sorted.

Department of Consular Affairs of MFA has a phone number 02 572 8442 for people to address their queries about Thailand Pass. Your application is one of few thousands in the process, this could be your last resort. Good luck!
Jonathan *****
First, there is no such thing as Thai consular in Bangkok. Second, the Thai authority already identified the applicants with hotmail address will have trouble to receive a confirmation reply and this issue has been brought to Microsoft for attention.

There is often a transition period when a new system is implemented. They work around the clock due to some people submitted multiple applications or insufficient documentation. Be patient or you can wait until the dust has settled in a month.