My Thai gf just got denied a visa to visit the US for a few weeks.
Does anyone have a good contact to share that can advise me on the process?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user shares that their Thai girlfriend was denied a US tourist visa and seeks advice on how to navigate the application process effectively. Comments highlight various experiences and strategies, including emphasizing strong ties to Thailand (such as a job, property, and family), avoiding mentioning any relationships with Americans during the application, and considering alternative paths like the 90-day marriage visa or traveling through Mexico. Some advice leans heavily on the notion that the US embassy is skeptical of Thai applicants due to prevalent immigration issues and past behaviors of some Thai citizens. Community members also suggest consulting with immigration specialists for assistance.
She HAS to have everything going for her when she applies The first time, if she cant show Home, Business, Job, Big Ties to her Country to come back to, and if she says ANYTHING about going to visit American Boy Friend its a instant Deny and its in the system so if you apply again in say six months she will still be Denied, so you would have the best shot for the 90 day marriage VISA, and yes been there , done that, my girl had Zero interest in staying in the US, just wanted to visit a couple weeks in the winter to see things here and Snow, she been with the Same Hospital 13 year, owns her Condo Kids and Family, 2 brothers Thai Police , but as soon as she mentioned staying with me it was over, Good Luck
Robert *****
Getting a Thai girlfriend a visa is difficult. They want her to have a good job, a letter from her employer, a bank account . Someone who will actually fly back to Thailand. Do it right the first time and she’s good for continued trips. Screw up and never again. Another option is you have to apply for her 90 day marriage visa. You apply from the USA she will get an interview in Bangkok…….
The government has data. Non U.S. related but my mother used to work for immigration Canada and it was the same. The cases of foreigners from non western or rich Asian countries like japan, Taiwan or Singapore skipping their return flight was high on tourist visas. My ex wife (Thai) managed to get a U.S. tourist visa (she was a millionaire (in dollars) and real estate investments) and did exactly that. Skipped the return and went through the entire process to become a U.S. citizen ´the painful way’. My reasoning is this: every illegal case costs a fortune to the federal government to process. From what she told me, it’s countless fillings and court appearances. All of that represents significant man/hours.
Eoin *******
America is full of smoke blown bank rupt trump's and scammer Bernie Madoff type's.
$35 trillion dollars in debt, they need all the tax payers they can find to support the nonesense evil right
John ********
Tell her to just enter illegally through our souther border. Everyone else does.
Steve *******
Happens a lot! Advise her to get a few stamps in her passport so the US can feel confident that once she arrives she is later going to leave! A professional job back home also helps.
John ********
Don't tell her to contact Trump, he hates all foreigners, unless their rich that is. 😂
This is exactly why all the people who have been living in Thailand as "tourists" for many many years need to stop complaining about how the Thai government makes visas hard for everyone.
Garry ********
My partner was denied entry to Australia on the first attempt and I went through Siam legal I sent them a scaithing email. Because they left photo's and information out, they agreed to reapply and it was approved.
The grounds for the first attempt denial, were
1) they doubt she was in a 4year relationship with me.
2) her thailand ties were not strong. Example, family, relatives, children,job,bank commitments,assests,
3) Doubt she would return to thailand at the end of the Visa.
Terary **********
I have heard nothinbg but horror stories of Thai ladies trying to get US Visa. From what I understand, she will have to meet all the requirements, go through an interview or two, then it's a lottery. If you dont get it, try again, several times, and eventually it will happen.
I have a friend married to a Thai lady. They lived in the US for a few years and she had a green card. She decided she didn't want citizenship (because of the requirements), so she left for Thailand forfeiting her green card. Its a lot of hassle for her to get tourist visa, regardless of being married to a US citizen, spending years in US, and have strong community ties.
If you truly love her, stuff in a suite case and bring in as checked-baggage. You will likely go to jail but she might get to stay for awhile.
Bali is also a nice place to take someone you love (no suite case required). What does the US have anyway? More fat people? More guns? The grand canyon ?
Michael ***********
We've been denied three times. Two as engaged and once after we got married.
Carlos *********
Go to Mexico and walk across the boarder, its free!!
Because there is a slim to no chance every time that she will be denied if an American citizen wants to bring her for a visit. ( There are some agents who are good for this...or so they say)
Sean *********
My air hostess girlfriend (who's now my wife) got a visa at the Embassy no problem. It's like others have said. What's their background, employment, financial assets, etc.
Yadasal ********
My question is if I'm married to Thai and live in Thailand would it be possible to visit my family together in America?
you will have to apply for a tourist visa, B1 B2. They will consider the country of your passport and its visa requirements for the United States. They will be interested in your ties to your home country, so that you’re unlikely to stay illegally in the United States. If you want to bring your Thai spouse, they will have to do the same, and it is hard for many Thais to get the visa, unless they have something like a long-term corporate or government job, house in car, children, etc. in Thailand. As in many places, the US Embassy in Bangkok is not friendly to giving visas to non-western people.
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Robert **********
Danielle ********
I have personal experience with this, of the 20 people in the group waiting “interview “ at the US embassy in BKK only one was excepted and that one was for education visa. ALL others requesting tourist visa were denied. Since then I have talked to dozens of people inside the Government and they all say the limits on Thais getting a tourist visa is less than 1%
The history with Thais and other Asians coming to the states is that they simply don’t return. It’s sad that the past history is driving this but it is what it is.
After 12 months of waiting for a K1 visa we still haven’t gotten a visa … waiting….
My partner got denied a tourist visa in spite of bank account, English skills, family, business, and Thailand. Now accepted for fiancé Visa. I think the culture at the embassies is of absolute hostility to applicants from non-– western countries. I’m generally a liberal, but it is so disappointing what’s happening at the border while proper applicants are denied. it said that most illegal immigrants actually come on tourist visas and overstay rather than passing through the border illegally.
I was selected for advanced level training in hospitality field in one of the hotel of Nashville,Tennessee , I am from very rich family I dont need to work for my whole life without checking my financial background they rejected my application 2 times, I lost around 2000 dollars and my one year of time. They just want to reject more and more applications to get them back to pay again.
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Sk **********
Dan ***********
There is a lot on Reddit about this. One commenter says that they applied direct to the embassy and it was a horrible and degrading experience. Most comments agree that you will never get a Thai girlfriend into the US. Another commenter explains, that single Thai women making small salaries are likely to abandon Thailand and work illegally as pee noi 'little ghosts' in the US for significantly higher salaries. Apparently there is a long track record of Thais that have cheated the system and made it incredibly difficult to obtain this type of visa. It sucks for us Americans that need to be in the US to obtain a salary, but have beautiful girlfriends in Thailand that want to see the U.S. and would consider moving here, but that we are not ready to get a fiancé visa for. These women, if they want to leave Thailand, or want to split their time between a western country and Thailand, invariably end up with a non-U.S. boyfriend (Aussie, Brit, German, etc.) and live happily ever after in those countries. Just another reason that more people from the U.S. are becoming expats.
Adrien **********
It is usually a matter of reason to return, for schengen after being refused I worked with an agent that created the application along side us. It worked after adding more things.
Showing reason to return like a job, a property, family, car etc... has a big impact. Also showing I had a thai bank with lots of cash apparently was a good thing, the idea being I am invested in Thailand so no reason we wont go back together. Everything you can think of as a reason she wont just stay there is good and make that in a proper dock with a proper header. Add pictures if relevent, my gf work freelance online so no work paperwork but we made pics of her selling stuff on stream and it worked.
Now that was all for schengen, US is probably more stingy.
Tommi ********
David **********
Call Joe Biden he'll let you cross the U.S. southern border illegally 🤣🤦🏻♂️
James *********
The real joke, is how the republicans went on vacation rather than deal with the issue. Admittedly, Trump confessed that his puppets were given those instructions to hurt Biden at the polls. Trump must be really worried.
it was fixed when Trump was President. Creepy Joe rescinded all his policies. Now that it's an election year Creepy Joe wants to do something about it. The bill he proposed for the border is pure bs. The bulk of the money goes towards more judges and people to process illegals and not to actually secure the border. Also he already has the power to shut down the border.
Trump? Fixed? HUNDREDS of thousands of non-documented immigrants entered the U.S. during Trump’s era. Look it up MAGA-foo. Great way to dis-credit your whole argument - start off with B.S. then focus on something else.
maybe but a lot more undocumented immigrants are entering under Biden. Look it up. I'm not a MAGA, I just a Republican.
James *********
So - how do you feel about the MAGAs all turning their backs on (by going on vacation) producing legislation to end this "crisis"? The democrats are sitting at the table - waiting.
, if she is applying for a US tourist VISA make sure she can show she has EVERYTHING in Thailand going for her and to come back for and Do Not Mention anything about Her American Boy friend, if she says anything about you its done and they will say apply for a marriage
hmmm well we are already married and I don't think there is an option to keep that secret given that it's all over the application. I also don't think USA has a visitor marriage visa only the immigration one which we don't need as we are not, and will absolutely never, move there.
, You are correct , would be hard to cover that up, I will wish you luck in convincing them your wife is only wanting to come for a visit, They believe everyone wants to come here and stay, but you might want to double check and see if there is some kind of spouse visitor VISA available, seems like someone was talking about something like that a while back, I did think you were asking about a GF since thats what the OP was asking about, Hope it works out well for you and your wife
yeah, I'm pretty sure the boyfriend status was a big factor in their failing, but since he couldn't be bothered to answer me I don't really know.
I was using soft language to avoid internet fighting - there is definitely no spouse visiting flavor of visa. I believe we've done ALL the things that can tip things in our favour, but there will still be a lottery element I am sure.
Married with husband living full time in Thailand, money, land, traveled out of the country and returned multiple times, etc... we will see.
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Jack ****************
Susan ********
Sure just fly to Mexico and walk over the border.. no visa needed
Jay *******
You said girlfriend. It ended right there. Sorry to say getting your gf permission to visit is almost impossible. Not entirely, but close.
they will rarely give tourist fees to people who admit having an American partner, because then, once arriving, you can get married and seek adjustment of status and get a green card. They want the girlfriend to get consular processing that takes about two years.
Outdated policy. Not everyone wants to move to the USA permanently these days.
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Michael ***********
Av **********
U men love these pipe dreams
Av **********
To get a visa to the usa, the best thing to do is have the person travel to many countries and fill up the passport first with visas proving the person follows rules.
Then you apply for usa visa. Usa is rhe hardest visa out there. Did they ban
Leo ******
Lot of migrants, 5K+ daily, just walked in everyday from the south border
Sk **********
Tell her that Thailand is better than USA , people are moving to Thailand from whole western world , she will not get somtum over there 😁 I will suggest you to start one small restaurant “on paper” and apply after one year , and Consider all the details of DS 160 you filled last time , US unpredictable. All the very best
I have been living in California for 51 years now, so true that Thailand 🇹🇭 is the best country to lived, but costs of living too expensive here in the USA 🇺🇸 plus racism too big time y'll
I'm a Brit and I love the USA and travel there regularly. I have just returned to Thailand from a 2 week vacation in San Fransisco and during that time I saw drug addicts everywhere downtown openly smoking pipes in the street. I also saw 2 muggings on mothers pushing prams. I've travelled a fair bit and that was the first time I felt unsafe in a City. Really sad because the US is in general a great country and San Francisco is a beautiful City.
I live in San Francisco. That’s impressive you were able to see all that and you were just visiting. I’m not doubting you saw all that, but you’re just perpetuating the negative reputation that’s in the media. You mentioned downtown, exactly! The crime and homeless is concentrated DOWNTOWN, like any major City. But the media makes it sound like the entire city is like downtown, which it isn’t.
Not just downtown. I left 5 years ago after living in SF for 20 years. I lived in North Beach. While I was living there I saw tons of drugs and crimes in NB, boardway, and fisherman's wharf. Weekly car break-ins and homeless people camping out in Washington square park. Downtown is more concentrated but crimes, drugs and homeless population are everywhere in the city.
We also went on a train to San Jose for the day and that was an interesting place, very quiet and there wasn't as many people walking around the downtown, but I have to be honest it felt a lot safer there to me, we didn't venture into Oakland although we wanted to go over the bridge, the Media possibly played its part in stopping us going there.
The drug use was in the down town area 100%. I was with Children one was 12 and the other was 3. I stayed near Ashbury on Grove Street and we was in what looked to me like a beautiful rich area but sadly close to there was I where i witnessed the first mugging. Also one morning going for breakfest with the kids one of the Homeless shouted " You are Nazis who r*ape Asian babies" None of us are Asian by the way, i was with my British family. 😅 Apart from that the Grove street area was pretty safe and beautiful and we didn't see as many problems there. There seemed to be a real lack of poilce presence in the City including downtown, would you say that's fair ? I love the USA and San Francisco has a lot to offer but I think the residents there should make a stand because these people are ruining what is a beautiful City. I went in shops and saw items such as deoderent locked behind glass ? We did Alcatraz and the Golden Gate bridge also the Waymo Taxi cars blew my mind! but it does it have real problems.
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Adam **********
Jeff ******
It is amazing how people are just walking in through the US southern border, but if they do it the legal way they get denied. 🤷♂️
This with solid working positions are denied everyday it's not an easy process. Some people get it easy and some people never get it in their lifetime I've seen it happen to people with solid positions in the community.
Peter *********
Dingy to uk 🇬🇧 no problem accepted 100 % and free accommodation
Usually the American Embassy wants her to have a Thai job, money in the bank…etc.
Larry **********
At one time I read that 96% of Filipinos who got a visa to visit the USA never left
Frank **********
Unfortunately Asia, especially SE Asia has a bad rap. When I was stationed in South Korea in the late 80's a lot of bar girls married American military people and once they got their green card a lot left their husband's. That is the reputation SE Asia has with American Embassys. She has to prove that she will return to Thailand. A job, property, kids, a bank account, etc, etc.
USA LOVES immigrants for cheap labour. But for SE Asian passport holders looking to vacation or accompany partner, they treat them like absolute 💩. Something for the country to hang its head in shame about.
There is no mechanism for foreigners leaving the US by land to register with Immigration, so overstay is common. But to get a "shopping visa" is not easy, and you have to prove you have money.
Also, there are checkpoints north of the border that someone with a shopping visa has to pass, and if they are caught straying too far from the border, they lose their visa.
From Nogales to Tucson there are a few checks and then onto Phoenix none. Who cares if her passport allows it. They stamped it! I travelled that road many times. I had mining claims all the way to the border! Laxt time, I went and US border said therewas a gunfight 20 feet away the night before!
When they leave US immigration never checked her out! I know, one time she was not let in and I met her at the entry to Mexico. She later came through. Just a minor wait and they allowed her in.
You said your wife was "never checked". I was clarifying that *nobody* leaving the US on foot is checked. To ensure that readers here don't think your wife's experience was unique.
the vast number of illegals coming to the US come via border checkpoints using fake papers supplied by big agricultural companies. Relatively few cross the desert on foot, and most of those are caught by Border Patrol. More would be caught if Border Patrol were fully funded.
after 5 years in Pattaya, my Thai wife moved to the States when covid hit. So happy we got the last Emeritus flight out of Bangkok. From all the news I read daily, there hasn't been anyone caught coming across the border in two years.
From the linked article: "In FY23, CBP recorded more than 2.4 million encounters at the Southwest border and more than 3.2 million encounters nationwide." Encounters are the number of illegals caught by Border Patrol.
EVERY COUNTRY LOVES immagrants for cheap labor, NOT just the U.S. , NOT every country gives free education, SNAP benefits, housing and food either like the U.S does either which I believe is wrong!!
David **********
The US has always had a huge number of immigrants. There's even a statue as a reminder.
exactly my point. Sweden and other countries are learning there lesson now and started deporting immigrants because of the high crime and cost expense.
you have no idea how delusional you are. I assume you’re a CNN junkie? I have so many family that work in government, I do know what they get and how it works. Keep you false information BS somewhere else.
You assume that do you? Because you are a moron? American news channels are for the most delusional and clueless. Your tax dollar thieving public servant family members are about as useful as those news anchors. In the meantime, feel free to quit stealing oxygen from people who can use it effectively.
The last French Canuk I met in Thailand scammed millions of bhats from expats in Hua Hin He sold himself as a land developer and was building homes on it. Maybe you know him. From Montreal. His name is Guyton Dube. You know him. A real piece of art.
it’s amazing that you’re in such a beautiful country, probably retired and yet you still hold so much anger and hostility. I guess being in Thailand hasn’t taught you anything. It must suck being you old and being so miserable or maybe you couldn’t make it on the U.S for some reason so that’s why I so mad at the U.S. Either way, that’s your issue not mine. Maybe one day you will grow up and find peace in your life , I know I have.
'anger and hostility'.... hahahaha. My goodness. I stated a simple fact and a well known problem. USA immigration treats SE Asia passport holders like shit. Clearly being in America hasn't offered you any enlighenment. Let's safely assume that my baseline knowledge of international issues is well rounded. Yes, you nailed it for sure, it sucks being retired at 47 to full time travel and tropical island living. Absolutely sucks. How did you become such an excellent observer? I assume that retirement is quite some distance off in spite of your advanced age. Enjoy your peace 😂🤣🤣😂
if I was so happy retired and only 47 I sure wouldn’t be going back and forth with someone on Facebook trying real hard to prove a point which I couldn’t care less.. just annoying you makes me happy and I know I’m doing a good job because you keep
Coming back for more in you beautiful successful retirement!!🤣😂😅😜🎭🤡🤡
yes. Free Hotel and $2200 a month too. Best way to get to America these days. Too bad she’s not a male, military age. She’d be escorted right in.
Zelig ***********
Thank you for your input
She has no desire to live in USA, she has family, business, nice home and comfortable retired , and as I will retire in 2 years in Thailand, I would love her to come and visit for a few weeks
it depends. The hardest part is proving you have a genuine marraige and a means of support. I will be applying for an immigrant visa for my Thai wife. We have text messages dating back to 2021. Been married living together in Thailand for over a year. Plenty of photos of us together at different places in Thailand and with family and friends. But I digress, tourist visas will generally be hard for a Thai to get.
We spent weeks assembling documentation for my wife's applications and they didn't even look at any of it. The last time she got denied the agent said she believed everything about her request and yet still denied it. At this point my wife is tired of trying.
my wife who was my gf at the time tried to get a tourist Visa to the US. Same thing didn't look at any of her documentation and was denied. We are going to try for a immigrant visa, CR1, this year.