How can I help my son recover his belongings from Chiang Mai after he was denied entry at immigration?

Oct 23, 2024
2 days ago
Shaun ***************
Seeking advice for my Son who is currently stopped at immigration inside the Chiang Mai airport after a border run.

Immigration said he’s come and gone to many times and they won’t allow him back in to get his belongings from Lanna Muay Thai, where he’s been training. They made him buy a flight back to Malaysia.

How do I get my son back to Chiang Mai, Thailand? He has to get his stuff and use his return flight home.

Any advice helps.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A parent seeks advice about their son, who was denied entry at Chiang Mai airport after multiple border runs. Immigration officials cited his previous frequent entries and required him to return to Malaysia without retrieving his belongings from a Muay Thai training camp. Community members suggest options including sending his belongings home, trying different entry points or services, and considering a proper visa (DTV) to resolve his entry issues.
Lanny ***********
Go to a different Immigration Officer. It is the Immigration Officer's discretion and you have some that are very strict and others that are not.
Michael ********
Email his stuff to him as a zip file attachment?
Clare ******************
He could apply for a DTV visa at a Thai Embassy in Malaysia.
Stuart *******
Get a tourist visa from a thai consulate in another country.
Greg ***********
@Stuart ******
a tourist visa won't cut any ice with Immigration if he is already being flagged
Andy **********
Option:1 The way I see it, your best option is to pay for an agent to ensure safe VIP passage back into Thailand, as suggested by Brandon, option:2 either that or pay someone's expenses to take his belongings across the border, but if he already has a flight booked leaving Thailand, that could get expensive to change it, I would say forget everything else and go with the easiest and cheapest option 1
Shaun ***************
@Andy *********
Thank you.
Mark ******
Getting a proper visa would help!
Assara *****************
Can contact this company for fast track 🙂
My friend with experience in this situation said your son is a special VIP visitor who should book airport fast track service through a reputable visa agent. Cost: 2500-4000 THB.

Faster and cheaper than 'get a proper visa from Malaysia', or doing a land border entry. He also said that whoever bothers with a sob story with a 'return flight', 'proof of accommodation' and '20k THB in cash' is simply not appreciating the game.

Welcome (back) to Thailand.
Galenus ******
No, back to Malaysia and apply for a visa.
Wayne ********
Commenting so I can check back and read closer
Ben ********
How many times has he come ?
Andy ******
Not customs , Immigration I presume ,he needs to enter at a different region
Shaun ***************
@Andy *****
Thank you
Det *******
Mail his stuff to him.
Peter ******************
just a thought, maybe he should learn basic life things, such as dealing with something very rudimentary like this, before he learns how to beat people up ?
Bruce ****
@Peter *****************
Man is seeking help being a good dad

Don't think this is right time for passive aggressive condescending attitude. If you don't approve of MuayThai take it up w Thai govt
Peter ******************
@Bruce ***
a good dad should teach his son how to fish instead of how to steal other people’s fish
Rob ********
Peter A. S. Molgaard damn, you are truly a douchebag.
Dave *******
@Rob *******
Hmmm. It's called learning "life" yourself and dealing with things
Mark *******
Consulate try there
Michael ******
What passport do you hold?
Jason ******
How many times has he done this using visa waiver ?I'm on my first visa waiver and 1 month extension ,I planned two more,total 9 months here ,I'm a tourist and have rented a villa in Hua Hin ,I thought this is ok and within there laws ,its worrying after renting ,being a tourist,not planning to live,that i might get refused back in when my belongings and deposit are here ,Thailand needs to be more clear and state howany times back to back it's ok to stay on visa,waiver and extension ,not everyone wants or fits a DTV visa,is there anywhere that can't verify this as saying it's up to the discretion of one immigration official isn't good enough,there has to be clear guidelines !
Ray *****
@Jason *****
, surely you know that the reason why Thailand - or, frankly, any other country - refuses to publicly draw an explicit line regarding how many times that (supposed) ‘tourists’ are allowed to reenter the country back to back using tourist visas is because Thailand knows fully well that such ‘tourists’ would then go right up to that line that is drawn.

For example, if Thailand were to publicly declare that all tourists are indeed guaranteed 2 back-to-back extensions and are therefore allowed to stay for a total of 9 months as per your request, then that would surely attract plenty of ‘tourists’ who, frankly, have no interest in tourism at all but are just seeking a 9 month residency in Thailand. And if Thailand decided that they indeed want such 9-month residents, then I have to believe that Thailand would then simply offer an upfront 9-month visa that dispenses with the need to proceed to the border for a visa run. Clearly, Thailand does not want such 9-month residents.

And that’s Thailand’s prerogative. We all have to remember that Thailand is a sovereign country that can run its immigration policy however it pleases. No foreigner has the ‘right’ to enter Thailand at all - let alone stay for 9 months - just like Thai citizens don’t have the ‘right’ to enter our countries.
Rene ********
@Jason *****
TIT....this is Thailand
Jason ******
@Rene *******
thanks,helpful 🙏🏽
Bruce ****
@Jason *****
I'm on a tourist visa ... used 30 day extensions for 11 months . I've never had a problem other than only allowed 2 land crossings per year then mustvfly back in.
Jason ******
@Bruce ***
thanks Bruce ,it's not illegal ,anyone can have a long holiday and money to support themselves ,so all the answers about it's up to a immigration official are confusing ,as there is only one law about visa,waiver,that you must be a tourist and not living here,so hopefully it's ok 🙏🏽🍻
Jiji ***********
@Jason *****
Visa-free entries are indeed unlimited.

However, the law also says that they are for the purposes of tourism, and that each entry is at the discretion of the immigration officer you're in front of.

If the immigration officer suspects that you are not using the exemptions for tourism purposes (for example, you'll *generally* have a hard time convincing them that you are not actually just living here, if you've been here for a year), they will likely question you or give you the "last time" warning.

When exactly this cutoff point varies. Depends on the imm officer you're in front of.

Some people get away with living here for over a year on nothing but exemptions, others get questioned on entry 3 or even entry 2. But eventually, your number *will* come up.
John **********
@Jiji **********
I dislike the use of unlimited which implies you can do as many times as you want. Rather better to say there is no specified limit
Jason ******
@Jiji **********
thanks jiji,well explained ,but it should never be up to a single immigration officer or the mood there in that day ,Thailand must have straight rules for people to follow with visas and for immigration officials to adhere to,it can't be up different individuals who might decide different ,there has to be clear law and regulation on amount of times 🙏🏽
Jiji ***********
@Jason *****
However you think it "should" be, "has to" be, or "must be", unfortunately that isn't the way things *are* here, and that likely won't change.

Governments and policies might change, but the fundamental operations of the immigration bureau, basically, won't. By all means start a campaign or petition to try to change it. However, the authorities likely won't listen to farang.
Jason ******
@Jiji **********
yes correct ,I'm a tourist ,I don't want to campaign
Nongnuch ********
@Jason *****
a typical "tourist" doesn't rent a villa in Hua Hin for a year and stays for 9 months. By doing this, you are revealing you are not a "real tourist" but somebody who wants to misuse the visa-exempt system for a longstay in Thailand. You will be denied entry at some point. Get the proper visa for your stay (which would be the 6-months multi entry tourist visa or the DTV)
Jason ******
@Nongnuch *******
I'm a retired tourist ,I stay long spells in other countries as a tourist ,I haven't bought a property ,just rented for 9 months,not a year ,so this is real Thai thought 🤔you doing bitter to farang 🙏🏽what ever happened to land of smiles?I take a visa your country offers for sixty days ,I then pay 1900 but for another 30 days ,fly out and back ,three times ,pay for a place to stay for holiday,pay for food ,I'm not asking Thailand for anything ,so why you then say this ,no problem ,I will look elsewhere if this how thais feel now 🙏🏽
Nongnuch ********
@Jason *****
you can easily get a 9 months stay out of a multi-entry 6-months Tourist Visa. Trying to squeeze 9 months out of visa-exempt entries and their 30-days extensions, puts you at the risk of being denied. Just saying!
Jason ******
@Nongnuch *******
I don't know I was doing anything wrong as the way I'm doing is offered and your answer isn't helpful and sounds very bitter 🙏🏽
Rene ********
@Jason *****
I agree it is random and that is difficult to deal with. In my opinion, granting another Visa exempt should also depend on the bank statements one can produce. If one can clearly finance a stay as a tourist, I see no issue
Jason ******
@Rene *******
I will just get a visa now ,as to much complications and guessing by people and seems you have to rely on one immigration official who might be in a bad mood ,I've been travelling around for the last 5yrs with no issues and all the financial requirements needed ,and pay for what's needed here,but no problem ,I will either stay less time or get a 6 month tourist visit 🙏🏽
Rene ********
@Jason *****
unfortunately there has been a lot of abuse on the Visa exempt entries with lots of people trying to work on them. Therefore a few genuine tourists, as you may be, end up paying for them. Thailand is focused on short-term mass tourism, 10 to two weeks, a quick cash grab. Your thinking is correct and will give you peace of mind.
Jiji ***********
@Jason *****
No one here is "bitter". We're just stating the situation in Thailand as it is, and suggesting better alternatives than relying on tourist visa exemptions to spend
of the year here, with all the risks of interrogation or denial at the border that entails.

As someone else said, a Multi-Entry Tourist Visa can, with well-timed border bounces, be stretched out into a total 9 month stay.

Theres also the Non-O Retirement Visa Nongnuch talked about, which you can easily get. Which once extended, would allow you to come and go as many times as you want in that year. Just need to have 800,000 Baht in the bank. Even if you dont have that much, there are ways around that requirement with agents.
Jason ******
@Jiji **********
I have the funds ,I'm retired and can put 800,000 bht in the bank easy ,but I'm not retiring here,only thought about a 9 month holiday ,so retirement visa wouldn't be correct ,a lot of comments on here aren't written well and express sarcasm so seem bitter.but your advice makes sense,I will just stay 6 months then go elsewhere ,that's easy to do 🙏🏽
Nongnuch ********
I did it the easy way, when I turned 50, I applied for the 90-days Non-imm-o visa, and from there went to a "1-year extended stay permit". And I have been coming and going as many times as I pleased in the recent 15 years. Just saying - there are "proper" visa issued by Thailand for different reasons, you are offered the same choice. You chose the visa-exempt and now are wondering if you are breaking any rules if you stay for 9 months on visa-exempts and extensions. Just because these exemptions are offered, it doesn't mean one can use them consecutively and back-to-back. Visa-exempt entries in the past were never allowed back-to-back, and actually many Thai Embassies websites stated that if you enter Thailand visa exempt, you can only stay a maximum of 90 days within a 180 days period. The rule is written! It's at the discretion of the Immigration officer, if he allows you a third visa-exempt entry, after you already spent 60+30 and another 60+30 on back-to-back visa-exempt entries, because they are maxing out the 180 days that are allowed on visa-exemptions within a calendar year
Bruce ****
@Jiji **********
I've even over stayed my extension 2 different times. They weren't happy but nothing about not allowing me back in (just pay fine). Knock on wood most agents very nice at land crossings especially compared w attitude you get from usa customers agents.
Greg *******
@Shaun **************
he should be on a five year. DTV Visa. Just do a search on google. A company on top of the list has had over 100 MuayThai boxers approved.
Bruce ****
@Greg ******
I believe 99% they offer 1 year visa ED ... school fee $1 k to $1500 ..... in case 5 yr option is not affordable
Greg *******
@Bruce ***
it’s 10,000 baht for five years.

Even if he has one medical appointment at a hospital. Some embassies accept it for this visa which is good for the five years.

Sandi *******
Oo **********
easy, $ can make anything. I have seen people who has connection can do it. This is Asia.
David ***********
Yes. He should get an agents help. Otherwise it all depends on the immigration officer. Ito change my Visa from a-o to O I had to leave the country and come back in on a 60 day. I was questioned. If you have several 60 day passes they see you are not a genuine tourist and can bounce you as, it appears they did today. Regardless of cost, get an agent
Detlef ***********
Intentionally flaunt the system , get caught , wear the consequences !!! Simple!! You are a guest in their country so play by their rules not yours !! Simple
Shaun ***************
@Detlef **********
He didn’t break any rules. He followed their policies. This time they wouldn’t let him back in. He’s training Muay Thai at Lanna. He should have applied for a visa. Lesson learned.
Martin *****
Get a proper visa...
Astrid **********
Have a friend bring him his belongings in Malaysia and change his flight to fly home from Malaysia .
David *****
Have all his things sent to him by post office
Sophie *********
Try again. Dress up. Get an agent.
Sunny *******
It's simple go bankon take bus 🚌 from there
David *********
How many days has he been in Thailand?
Shaun ***************
@David ********
He left March 23rd. He’s been there 7 months. His flight back is December 23rd. He did all the land runs. This is his first flight run.
David *********
@Shaun **************
I'd suggest flying / or via land back in the new tax year Jan 2025. I believe this is a reset of the 180 days. But nothing is in writing.
John **********
@Shaun **************
land entries are now the same as air entries. Suggest he tries by land
Frankie *******
Forget his muay thai belongings n just go bck home n reapply again another time another big deal
Gary **********
Just get a real visa it's simple to get and then you have no probs
Bonnie *********
@Gary *********
I think that ship may have sailed.
Scott ***************
Proper visa usualy helps.
Karine *******
Options could be staying out of Thailand longer and attempting to return later, perhaps via a different route.

Or returning with a Thai travel agency that specialises in visa runs and has the contacts to ‘grease the wheels’ a bit. If he feels morally comfortable with that.
Ronald *****
It will be worst when Malaysia also deny entry, he will have to buy another ticket back to home country
Rod ********
Check with a Thai Lawyer
Rene ********
"you can't always get what you want..........but if you try just might get what you need"
Karen ********
Jiji ***********
Judging by your last post for advice here, it appears he's been here on border-bounces since March or April.

Generally, six months (give or take) appears to be the point at which people who've been using tourist visa-exemptions to stay long-term start to run into problems.
Jiji ***********
@David ********
And now you're getting abusive because you don't like what I'm saying. Absolutely pathetic.

You're a grown adult. Time to start acting like it.
David *********
@Jiji **********
any idea how this works, how much gap is needed after 6 months stay? I was thinking of doing 6 months in 2025 and another 6 in 2026
Jiji ***********
@David ********
If you're spending most of the year every year in Thailand, then to the eyes of an imm officer, your passport stamps do not resemble those of a tourist.

Its generally the total amount of the year you've been in TH that makes the difference.

The only thing that used to be "reset" by the new year was the land-entry-without-visa allowance. Taking a break from TH before the end of a calendar year doesn't fool anyone. They can still see you've been here for most of the year on exemptions, and may well have questions on what you're doing here.
David *********
@Jiji **********
I'm not saying this at all - I'm saying 180 days per calendar year. July to June.
Pui *****
@David ********
it does not reset per calendar year. It only did so for land entries when there was a twice a year limit. Immigration officers consider your full previous stay and entry history. There is no reset date, nor any actual legal limit on number of days per year stayed. It's just a general guideline not to exceed 180 days within the past 365 days, but there are still cases where people have stayed far less days and still be denied or hassled, based on previous stay histories, or the officer's mood that day. Some officers may personally use 180 days as their own guideline, and may tell you that is there reason when they question you, and some consulates also publish this guideline (but most don't), but there is no set rule regarding this.
David *********
@Pui ****
gpt says it resets
Pui *****
@David ********
go ahead and argue that GPT told you so when you get denied because the calendar year changed. There are hundreds of posts regarding this in the various Thai travel and visa advice groups. It is well established with plenty of real life reports of people denied despite not crossing over 180 days, even in the same calendar year.
Jiji ***********
@David ********
Thats your tax residency status.

Thats a completely separate issue from whether the individual immigration officers *discretionary* view is that you've been spending too long in Thailand and that your behaviour does not look like that of a tourist.

Tax law is not the same as immigration law.
David *********
@Jiji **********
I'm well aware but that was my original point. Questioning whether the tax residency is the reason they would not allow entry. It would make sense not to allow in if it's over 180 days in a financial year as you then can't be on a tourist visa. I regret bringing this up it seems people fail to use their brain to connect dots.
Jiji ***********
@David ********
Well, no, its not.

The question the imm officer is asking themself when they look at your passport is, "Is this person using the tourist visa exempt system for purposes other than tourism?", as in, is this person basically just living (and perhaps working) here?

As they see it, someone who lives here for more than half the year, staying in the same place in all that time, is not a tourist.
David *********
@Jiji **********
you don't get it do you. Sigh. If I'm in Thailand 180 days each year is there a problem? The answer is no. What I'm saying above is the same.
Jiji ***********
@David ********
It sounds like you don't.

180 days is half the year. Doesn't matter if *you* think thats not a problem, or whether, in your view, that *shouldn't* be a problem.

In the eyes of immigration officers, someone staying in Thailand for extended periods on back-to-back tourist visas and exemptions, is not behaving like a tourist.

Just ask around on here. Plenty of people have found themselves in the office being questioned by imm officers with far under 180 days of total time spent on tourist stays that year.
David *********
Pui *****
@David ********
you're unnecessarily giving information about how tax residency is calculated, which has nothing to do with the question of whether immigration will let someone enter back to back from July of one year through June of the next year, because you want to know if entries reset with each calendar year. The answer, as has been explained, is that, first, there is no 180 day rule regarding immigration entries, and two, the count does not reset with each calendar year. Immigration officers look at your entire previous entry and stay history and judge themselves whether you are a genuine tourist. People get questioned and denied with well under 180 day stays within a year, and other people also have no issues despite staying well over 180 days total in a year, because they might come to Thailand often but not stay long each time so they don't seem to be trying to live long term in Thailand on visa exempt entries. You have on your own concluded that the tax residency rule somehow ties in with whether immigration allows someone in, when there has never been any evidence that immigration equates the two in any way.
David *********
@Pui ****
ah makes sense thanks
David *********
David *********
Bonnie *********
@David ********
Get a proper visa or risk refusal to enter the kingdom and being flagged in the system.
Tylah ****************
@David ********
it refreshes every calendar year
Jiji ***********
@Tylah ***************
Also, regarding what you said, nothing changes for you on 1st January. Nothing gets "reset".

The immigration officer looking at your passport, whether on 30th December or January 2nd, is considering how high your *total amount of time spent in Thailand* is over the past 12 months or so, and whether your behaviour resembles that of a genuine tourist.

The only thing that *used to be* "reset" on Jan 1st was your allowance of visa free land entries. However, that no longer applies and land entries now have the same stipulation as air entries; no limit *on paper*, but prepare to be quizzed, let in with a "last time" warning, or denied if Thai immigration think you've had too many.
David *********
@Tylah ***************
so could stay a year on tourist visa? July to June?
Tylah ****************
An additional 30 days per entry if you extend at immigration.
David *********
@Tylah ***************
ok so I'm right can do 1 year straight on tourist visa.
Tylah ****************
@David ********
but anyway, that's just my 2 cents.
Tylah ****************
@David ********
you can do border run 2 times per calendar year. Which gives you 60 days per entry
David *********
@Tylah ***************
yes so 90x2 in 2024 then again in 2025 January / end of March. It's 90 days you get 60 and extend 30.
Tylah ****************
@David ********
they are back to back? Then it's still going to look dodgy on your passport. Remember, the law is the law but it's up to the officers discretion. If they see your passport full of Thai tourist stamps, they will see some issues and will most likely start questioning you.
David *********
@Tylah ***************
yeah that's what I'm curious on. Back to back but in the new financial year. I understand at their discretion but I am thinking the concern is more going over 180 days in a tax year Jan-Dec which triggers you being a local tax resident. But if you don't go over 180 in a financial year perhaps they don't care.
David *********
As you can't really be a tourist if over 180 days triggering being a tax resident. So would want you on a different visa. My thoughts on how it works anyway
Tylah ****************
@David ********
I didn't say that, and definitely do NOT recommend that.
David *********
Henrik *****
Customs or Immigration ?
Edna *******
@Henrik ****
being straight forward, honest, and apologetic goes a long way.

Given he was in a Thai camp, why didn’t he get the proper education visa to start with? Would the school or camp sponsor him?
Henrik *****
@Edna ******
Why adress that to me, has nothing to do with my post.
Brandon ************
@Edna ******
An ED visa would be even more reason to be denied entry. You are not supposed to leave the country if you have an ED visa, you are supposed to be in Thailand studying. A ton of people get denied entry for leaving and trying to return while they are on ED.
Stephen *******
@Brandon ***********
If he had an Ed visa he wouldn't have needed to bounce. Der
David ***************
If he just needs to get his belongings from the Muay Thai camp, why not contact the camp and ask them to mail his stuff?
Sophie *********
@David **************
His flight departs from Thailand.
Xjwhudkwhry ********
@Sophie ********
maybe if he flies to that particular airport on that particular date, he could just 'transit' without having to go through the border controls...sounds like he doesn't have the luggage to check in anyways. His things could be mailed to him later.
Chris *******
All he can do is try again, possibly with a "service" to expedite it.

Have 20 k baht in cash or equivalent currency

Proof of accommodation

Proof of EXIT

And when questioned politely explain he needs to enter to gather his things and exit.

Maybe the next officer will be more willing to listen and allow it.

No one can guarantee anything at this point, he just has to try again, maybe another entry point, PAY a service for VIP from the plane.

And roll the dice.

If he's flagged in the system for anything in particular, it is as always up to the officer he stands in front of.

Be prepared, polite and thankful.
Frank ******
@Chris ******
sound advice well done 👍
Shaun ***************
@Chris ******
thank you so very much. I think we are going to try the service.
Rene ********
Thai postal service is great. Someone can send it on.
Shaun ***************
@Rene *******
Thank you so much. We may end up having to do that. Fly out of Malaysia instead CNX.
Paul **********
@Shaun **************
Also think getting his things sent then pay to change route home, or surrender the return ( again it’s going to cost , maybe £100 ?

Then buy a ticket from say Malaysia. Might save risk of getting an agent and still being refused. Just a suggestion.
Rene ********
@Shaun **************
Chinese mail services are excellent too
Pat ****
@Rene *******
this is what I was thinking also or DSL
Aaron ******
If he got an actual denial of entry he likely got warned last time and didn’t take it seriously.

He should try to get a real visa.

DTV is likely the best option if he has the money in the bank to qualify. If not you should be able to put it into his account if you have it.

Not sure which embassy is easiest to get the DTV.
Kristian ********
How did so much negativity creep in to this thread? I truly believe it’s because Sandi James started being a hypocritical douche. Let’s increase the peace, Sandi you can leave now.
Shaun ***************
@Aaron *****
I appreciate your help. We may have to do that for him just to get him back to Lanna Muay Thai to pick up his things and hop on an airplane home.
Joseph ****
@Shaun **************
If you haven't already, I highly recommend you reach out to the agency Brandon Thurkettle cited (and which commented, themselves, here directly to you.) The people saying your son should just apply for an expensive visa when he's already blacklisted in the system are not being sensible. He can revisit that (if he even wants to) AFTER he's gotten his name cleared or has waited out enough time (which is indefinite and unknowable.) Just get the fixer so he can get his belongings, come home to you, and reassess what he wants to do.
Sandi *******
@Aaron *****
people have that much money just hanging around? Your level of privilege is shocking. 😤
John ***********
@Sandi ******
how much is that much?
Sandi *******
Just can’t be bothered debating this any further
Andy ************
@Sandi ******
No point in debating it. These are the conditions of obtaining the DTV. It's that simple and it's not restrictive for most people. If you don't have savings to this value, you're not really the type of person who can bring value to Thailand
Joseph ****
@Andy ***********
We're talking about A KID who was here to learn Muay Thai. And you're not the gatekeeper for Thailand. It's quite doubtful you're bringing any value, yourself, you blowhard. But go ahead and try to impress now with a pack of lies about your expenditures.
Andy ************
@Joseph ***
Never said I was the gatekeeper ffs! You're just another bad-tempered farang who lives in the world of entitlement. DTV criteria is clear. Grow up
Joseph ****
@Andy ***********
You're a dishonest j€rk as well. You stated Thailand doesn't need him as he doesn't bring value if he can't pay $15K. Then you deleted all that. I'd call YOU the entitled 🤡, but with the way you throw the term at me it's clear you don't even understand it's meaning.

Again, we're talking about a KID who's probably all of about 20. And neither he nor his mother(OP) applied for or asked for a DTV. Get a clue before you try and act like Thailand's gatekeeper and hurl irrelevant garbage.

Edit: You didn't delete it. Your obnoxious remark is there is all it's glory. Real helpful, you entilted phony.
Andy ************
@Joseph ***
I know I didn't delete and I stand by every word. Thailand has enough Cheap Charlies here without encouraging more. Why doesn't the KID borrow the money off family and friends? 😆
Joseph ****
@Andy ***********
Mom said she'll do whatever it takes. But that's a mother. Let the kid learn how to travel on a budget, but responsibly. We were all kids once. God if I traveled at 20 the way I travel now. Thailand is big enough to take in both the brighteyed backpacker and the aging, expat who's only brighteyed now when he forgets how old he's getting.
Tijana *******
@Sandi ******
idk why are people flaming you here, 15k USD is a large amount of money for some of us. And for many people - out of reach.
Joseph ****
@Tijana ******
Not only do I agree, but a lot of them are puffed up with lies. Andrew Tate swilling phonies.
Barc ***********
@Sandi ******
dodging accountability for your incompetence to be something else than a broke L. Classic
Bobby *******
@Sandi ******
how much money did you spend on your Bogan tattoos
Sandi *******
I’m jumping off this thread - before I go. Being able to save is a privilege. This group is just full of it. Have a great privileged life y’all
Kristian ********
@Sandi ******
run away when you get a little push back on your comments, very strange behavior for an adult. I don’t think Facebook is for your luv.
Tylah ****************
@Sandi ******
saving money isn't being privileged, Karen🤣🤣
Sandi *******
Sandi *******
To me that is a crazy huge amount of money.
Craig *******
@Sandi ******
Well you spent 8 years in Malaysia maybe thats why you are financially cgallenged.
Craig *******
@Sandi ******
Forget buying a house then.
Craig *******
@Sandi ******
Thats 1 months pay on a mine site.
Bobby *******
@Craig ******
that’s a good weekend on the piss in Nana Plaza
Craig *******
@Bobby ******
Havent been there for a while. You can burn through baht in Bangkok.
Sandi *******
@Craig ******
good on ya
Bobby *******
Sandi *******
@Bobby ******
thus the privileged comment. Good luck to you. Some of us are not that privileged and it’s pretty offensive to assume that amount of money is peanuts. I’m happy to send you my bank details if you wish to send my way some of those spare dollars you have!!
Bobby *******
@Sandi ******
nothing privileged about it. It’s called working and saving while living under your means. It should be raised to $100K USD in my opinion to keep the peons out.
Bill *******
@Bobby ******
And you suffer from homosexual necrophilia

Sandi *******
@Bobby ******
makes me very happy to not know you. I have worked since I was 15 and am currently competing my PhD in science. Judging others with no idea of their past or circumstances is just ignorant. Take care and good luck to you and your arrogant self.
Markus *****
@Sandi ******
Yes exactly this Sandi, but aren't you doing this tho by saying anyone with money is privileged without knowing their past experiences and sacrifices to get there? 🤔
Bobby *******
@Sandi ******
maybe you should be working now instead of wasting time here
Craig *******
@Sandi ******
Sandi when you have completed your PHD you may be able to make some money. Tru driving a dump truck 84 hours a week. At your age you cant get 15k together? Not being judgemental here but you need to do something about your financial situation.
Kristian ********
@Sandi ******
all that work and still poor? At least you’ve got all your vaccinations hahaha
Andy ************
@Sandi ******
It's less than $
US. Does that qualify as "that much money"?
Shaun ***************
@Sandi ******
I think he was just trying to help. I did ask for advice. When I would figure out a way to get that money just to get my son back home. As his mama, I’m freaking out.
Sandi *******
@Shaun **************
is he in Malaysia now? Does he know people there? I worked in Malaysia for 8 years. If he wants a great place to go Kota Kinabalu is the bomb. I know someone there who runs a Muay Thai gym if he wants to keep training also.
Roberta *********
@Sandi ******
I’d like to get the name of your friends Muay Thai place? Thank you
Ko *****************
@Aaron *****
I do agree with you as DTV is best option. He seems to be eligible for soft power.
Aaron ********
In September I flew back from Malaysia after a couple days there and was fine, the following week my friend did the same return trip and was stopped and questioned. He was let in, but it shows a change in attitude, Chiang Mai has always been regarded as an easy airport to enter the country via.

My suggestion would be: take the bus up to the border and cross in to Thailand via land, then travel to Chiang Mai.
Shaun ***************
@Aaron *******
thank you. He has already done his land crossings. He has to do an air crossing. It’s all new to us. He was training Muay Thai, but now just want to get his things and fly home. I appreciate your help.
Kool *******
@Shaun **************
understand that he has been tagged in the immigration computer system, and as soon as his passport is scanned, his picture is taken, and he's fingerprinted, his whole history comes up, and with him being rejected once already, that is the first thing that comes up. Unless he gets an appropriate visa, he will not be let back in. He has been identified as trying to live long term in Thailand as a tourist. It doesn't matter how many times he has crossed out, and returned. There is not a set in stone number. It is purely at immigration's discretion, and they are very technologically advanced, at every entry point.
Aaron ********
@Shaun **************
there are no annual limits to land crossings anymore, since about two months ago. When I flew back from Kuala Lumpur last month, I had a gut feeling I was going to be turned back, were that to be the case, my plan was to head north and cross visa land.
Tylah ****************
@Aaron *******
this is not true. The limit is still 2 as it always has been. However the change is that you get 60 days and not 30 days. Please becareful as this can cause a problem for people
Aaron ********
@Tylah ***************
since the change to 60 days, the twice a calendar year limit has also been dropped.
Stuart *********
@Tylah ***************
Not since July 15th. No technical limit on border crossings per year now. [edit] it’s at the sole discretion of the immigration officer.
James **********
When is his return flight home?
Shaun ***************
@James *********
it’s in December but can be changed to whenever he can get back to gather his things.
Daryl ******
Hello shaun , i might be able to help. Pm me
Brandon ************
Either send him to Vientiene and have him cross by land at Nong Khai, or fly back to to Bangkok and use a VIP entry service with an agent like this
Wietze *********
@Brandon ***********
do you have an indication of the price. I wanted to check the price. But have to upload passport first 😁
Joseph ****
@Wietze ********
He has answered this several times today. Just read the thread.
Wietze *********
@Joseph ***
ok sorry i did not see 🙈
Kelima *************
Wietze *********
@Kelima ************
thanks 🙏🏻
Andrew *******
@Brandon ***********
cross land border only 2x a year. Some places takes overnight stay. Don't rely on border runs any more.
Andy **********
@Andrew ******
Shaun Kiles EnricoI think they have done away with the only two allowed land entries a year.
Andrew *******
@Andy *********
, that's what they told me at Immigration Division 1 in Bangkok. I expect there is some variation from place to place.
Andrew *******
Maybe 6 months ago
Frozan *******
@Mezhgan ******
this is great to keep in mind!
Andy ********
@Brandon ***********
thanks, any idea how much this service is please?
Brandon ************
@Andy *******
I think it starts around 2500? I can't remember exactly. It goes up from there based on your history. The longer and more checkered your history in Thailand, the higher the price is to get them to look the other way as they stamp you in.
John ********
Brandon ************
Brandon ************
@Fatih *******
That link goes to the agent that owns this group. They have a good reputation and they will tell you if they cannot help. If they say they can help you then it's as good as guaranteed.
Shaun ***************
@Uwe ***
I think people would want to help me bring my son back to the United States. He’s there studying Muay Thai.. Hope that answers your question. God bless.
Ralph *******
@Shaun **************
But there’s a visa type just for that. To study Muay Thai. why can’t he get that?
Shaun ***************
@Brandon ***********
I appreciate your help. He has crossed my land, a couple of times already. I’m going to have him fly into Bangkok with an agent using the link you sent. And hopefully that works. This other guy does not believe you. We’re taking our chances anyway and I appreciate you.
Angeil ********
@Shaun **************
good choice to at least try… with it being the only option 🔥 hopefully he gets thru 🙏🏾
THAI ******************************
@Shaun **************
If you’ve previously been denied entry, it’s crucial that our team is made aware in advance, as it can significantly affect the process if all parties are not aware of the history.

Using our pre-screening services is always the better approach if you’re aware of any issues with your entry history, rather than risking a denial upfront.
Brandon ************
@Fatih *******
You've purchased a special VIP entry package FROM AN AGENT many times? Or you purchased and used fast track many times? They are not the same thing at all.
Fatih ********
@Brandon ***********
VIP service only makes you use a separate line for immigration. Representative is not even with you. So i don’t believe it will help.
Brandon ************
@Fatih *******
You absolutely have help when you use a service like this. This is not Fast Track, this is VIP entry service from an agent.
Fatih ********
Except the immigration line. They don’t allow the rep there because he/she can’t pass thru immigration. The rep leaves you before immigration and then joins just after you pass it to take you to luggage hall, customs and then your car if you had booked one
Rando ******
Fatih Yeldan Faith is right on this one. I have this VIP service. They take you to the special immigration line then meet you on the other side. They don’t go to the counter with you.
Brandon ************
@Rando *****
We are NOT talking about fast track. We are talking about a special agent VIP entry for people who are worried they will be denied entry. You are taken to the entrance to the passport control and told to go to a specific, pre-arranged line with an officer who knows the situation.
Jim ********
@Fatih *******
representative was with me from walking off the plane to getting in a taxi
David *******
@Brandon ***********
Am I right in will be met, before the immigration arrivals desks, taken somewhere separate and guaranteed an entry stamp, in return of lining someone's hands with ฿ . Smiles all round, everybody is a winner? I understand the logic of a small border bounce where there aren't as many eyes...but how does this work in one of the busiest airports in the world? Or am I missing something?
Brandon ************
@David ******
This is not normal Fast Track, this is VIP entry from an agent. Someone will be standing at the jet bridge with your name on it when you get off the plane. They will walk you to the VIP area of the passport control and they will tell you which line to get in because it's all been previously arranged.
Elías ********
@Brandon ***********
out of curiosity, how much does a service like that cost, on average? 😱
Brandon ************
@Elías *******
I think the airport entry one starts around 2500 baht, and then the price goes up depending on how checkered and extensive your history in Thailand is.
David *******
@Brandon ***********
Got you, understand. However with light on clamping down on people abusing Visa exempt stamps, I thought Express/VIP schemes would also be under scrutiny.

At least everybody gets their own desired result at the end of the day :-)
Brandon ************
@David ******
People doing it themselves is being clamped down. No word of any agent entries being affected at all. In fact border bounce agencies are doing better business than ever now that the 2 times per year at land rule is gone.
Richard ******
@Brandon ***********
As if by design!
Brandon ************
@Richard *****
the 2 times per year never made sense. What if you're staying near the border and want to go shopping a couple of times, and now you're locked out? I don't think there's anything sinister about it. They got rid of a rule that made no sense. The immigration officers enforce the rules as usual. The agents have been doing what they do too, as there were always people abusing border bounces even when the rule was in place.
Richard ******
@Brandon ***********
There seems to be a lot more refusals since, which, forces those abusing border bounces to use the agents and therefore more money going into envelopes.
Brandon ************
@Richard *****
there have been a lot of denied entries since Covid. It's nothing new. Just more people now trying to abuse the system so more reports of it.
Richard ******
@Brandon ***********
I disagree, since the advent of 60 day the scrutiny has increased.
Tristan **********
@David ******
Transfer before flying, immigration officer come to pick you up and you get fast track. It’s quite easy, no matter the number of stamp
Shaun ***************
@Tristan *********
you mean, transfer to a different airport in Malaysia? Or a different airport in Thailand?
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