Dustin *********
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Dustin *********
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Dustin *********
I did a lot of research when I was looking for land in Thailand. Everything I read also said all contracts are void in a divorce. I would have to see an actual case where a farang got to keep his land in a divorce, before I trusted a usufruct. I used my ex wife sister’s name to buy the land. I do not plan to marry her and she does not care about my love life.
Dustin *********
The Covid19 swab test involves sticking a Qtip up the patient’s nose. I guess the virus lives is up there somewhere. Strangely enough it does not seam to be transmitted through nose picking.
Dustin *********
I have seen others mention Tanzania is open to tourist
Dustin *********
Is it too much to ask for a good place to start looking ?
Dustin *********
The “ Anything about countries nearby” part was ignored. I want to book a flight to a neighboring country as soon a possible, if Thailand is not opening soon after. Me and my gf met in Tokyo in October because of the “you come to Thailand too much”. Apparently 7 months per year 2017, 2018, and 2019 on tourist visa and extensions is too much.
Dustin *********
Population density is exactly my point. People talk about the number of cases and deaths in USA as if it all of USA is effected the same. Actually there are a few hot spots that contribute to the high numbers. I was replying to the “ probably not as much as US” comment.
Dustin *********
I am from Alabama USA, population almost 5 million with 500 Covid19 deaths. New York City has a population of 8 million and 16,000 Covid19 deaths.
Dustin *********
I built a house in Chiang Rai. I stayed in Chiang Rai 7 months in 2018 and 7 months in 2019. I started with a 60 day tourist visa from the Thai consulate in Atlanta, 30 day extension, border run to Mai Sai, 30 day extension, border run to Mai Sai, 30 day extension. I did this 2 years in a row. Immigration will assume that you are working illegally and it’s hard to convince them otherwise. The border runs I did in Mae Sai was crossing the border for a few hours. I have never had a job in Thailand. Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions.
Dustin *********
Does non O marriage need Covid19 insurance and Covid19 health certificate ?