Geo ********
This is a summary of
Geo ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 3 questions and added 12 comments.



Geo *********
@Robert ********
Thanks for the info Robert… I’m a little confused about leaving for 90 days every six months… Does that mean you can stay three months in Thailand, then three months somewhere else, then another three months in Thailand and three months somewheres else again?
Geo *********
@ ***********************
n -- It's the first 'scheme' I ever saw that costs more than if I just got a long term visa -- schemes usually cost less. Why? Because it's a scheme 😂 But I actually enjoyed bouncing around so I never wanted a Long term visa -- I got caught? I look at it more like I was finally told the proper rules and I have no problem with those rules or moving to Vietnam -- If I was abusing the system, why wasn't I told this over the last 10 years? -- Never heard of this until this year -- Usually "getting caught" is something you are upset about or trying to do intentionally or sneaky -- (interesting definitions and observations) but nonetheless, I'm cool with it and moving onto another awesome place -- I don't see the big deal, chillax, it's just a question about a storage locker 😂
Geo *********
I guess ur right — when did that rule start?… Like I said it was my fault for not keeping up on the rule changes 😂
Geo *********
@Rayne *******
hi - no we did not overstay… We came in on a 30 day exempt, then a 30 day extension… And left
Geo *********
@Mel ****
But moving to Vietnam now -- just need a few days from time to time to swap out storage — just don’t know if there’s a clear amount of time where your entry renews… Maybe calendar year, perhaps physical year? 

I mean if I live in Vietnam for six months (with one Visa run in between) can I stop in for a few days to grab my stuff? 

I know this is simple, yet maddening 😂
Geo *********
@Neil *****
@Todd ********
Never said anyone is dumb -- where did you get that from? I laughed at calling it a scheme as usually a scheme saves you money whereas our visa runs cost a lot of $$$-- and I don't care about getting pulled out of line -- Yes they are just doing their job and I respect that.

So all negativity aside, my situation now is I have too much stuff here and we are now moving to Vietnam -- So I planned to put most of our stuff in storage and travel lightly to Vietnam -- But from time to time, I'd like to hit up my storage locker and swap out some stuff -- is there something wrong with that or am I missing something?

You also said, It’s obvious they were trying to live here as a tourist and take regional trips. -- Yes, and that was legal as far as I know until recent, no? I actually loved taking regional trips every 60 days -- it's refreshing and keeps the life experiences flowing instead of staying put and becoming a grumpy ex-pat.

Neil, you are marked as a Top Contributor, so a bit shocked at being accused of doing something wrong -- I always respected the rules and love and respect the Thai people and the culture -- you make it seam as if I am someone who is disrespectful and breaks the rules. No, I am adjusting to the rules, but I have too much stuff to travel with now -- is a storage locker some kind of bad thing?
Geo *********
@Stuart ********
Unvaxxed - what is certified rapid antigen test?
Geo *********
Sorry I should’ve specified, I’m unvaxxed