Tal *******
This is a summary of
Tal *******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 4 questions and added 40 comments.



Tal ********
Paid my wifes father 200k, in 11years she has returned the investment 20x 🤗 best ROI I have ever had... 😅
Tal ********
Lots of different banks, each with his own agenda regarding opening accounts for foreigners.

I suggest u Do some leg work, try a few banks and a few branches...

What finally worked for me was the GSB bank on soi siam country club, with my Thai wife co sigining the account with me...
Tal ********
@Harvey ****
u can See where i am now in my profile pic 🤷‍♂️ Genius🤦‍♂️
Tal ********
@Peter ********
I'm sleeping well at night ever since I got my vaccines regardless if any unvaxinated conspiricy theorists does so or not.
Tal ********
@Peter ********
Aren't u the lucky fella??? some of ur anti-vaxxer friends were not so lucky... 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Tal ********
Stay home, lots of covid on these flights, or maybe take ur chances catching it... 😅
Tal ********
@Sophie ********
For ur last remark I can share with u that i caught the damn thing on the way flying here, and it was a piece of cake, with mild symptomes and light fever. not sure if it was the case if I wasn't vaccinated...
Tal ********
@Sophie ********
Sorry, Didn't mean to be rude but too many times ppl just assume by themselves that their health conditions prevents them from getting the vaccines when its the exact opossite. I Wish u the best health 🙏