Sean *****************
This is a summary of
Sean *****************
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 16 comments.



Sean ******************
@Karel ********
haha right! Some people just want it though. Now I'm in United States paying a lot of money to eat Thai food. 🤣
Sean ******************
@Karel ********
sure. But depends on where you want to do for the day. I would go to the food carts and pay 65 to max 80. But if you go into any restaurant and eat Western food 300. Lol. It was just a rough estimate of expenses I put together for some friends that wanted to travel to Thailand.
Sean ******************
Lol. Love this question. Over and over. Here is my pre covid budget from July 2019 when I was in between bkk and Pattaya. If you don't drink or date, you can save a lot.
Sean ******************
@Richard *******
yep! But it is all worth it. Good memories and bad memories. I will always love Thailand.
Sean ******************
To be completely honest with you man. Thailand is going to eat up that money you have and you'll have nothing left. That's not a significant enough investment to have any political power in Thailand. And any business power you attain along the way will be eaten up in thievery and bribes.
Sean ******************
Look for the green sign and little booth ...go and exchange your currency.
Sean ******************
@Craig *******
wow. Philippines has 6,831 new cases and their country is on lockdown? Guess lockdowns work. Lol