Thai girlfriend and bar ,there are some lovely genuine thai girls but not often found in bars ,please be careful at our time of life we are unlikely to be able to work to replace lost money,if this is what you wont come live with her first for 1 or 2 years before risking you security IE money,good luck to you travel wisely
nothing clear yet but it has been approved,i just thought I would enlighten you as per the situation now good luck,and certainly if you where definite about coming it would be better bringing your money before January in case you had to pay as much as 30%
I would still advise keep your money in USA until you have lived 1 year in thailand ,have a look at new tax law starting in January 2024 ,20% tax on money you bring in up to one million baht 25% up to 2 million,and 30 % there after ,but in thailand it just mite not happen,but it has gone through parliament,sorry to sound alarmist but better to be informed off what is happening,having said that I’m also 76 lived hear 12 years full time to lived hear part time before,good luck to you