Rob ******
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Rob ******
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Rob ******
@Jo *********
well I live in chiang rai and it’s a little different here in the north
Rob ******
@Jo *********
well in Thailand your suppose to carry your passport with you at all times especially in Bangkok because there are sometimes random passport check points. I think it was law that foreigners have to have their passport on them. It might of changed but I have a Thai driver’s license now and a picture of my visa so I just keep it at home
Rob ******
@Jo *********
it was in my pants pocket when I did laundry
Rob ******
I washed my while in Thailand old stamps smeared some gone and I have been in and out a few time and got extensions as long as your ID page is ok 👌
Rob ******
Make sure she dosnt say she has a boyfriend in the USA or she will get denied