Diane *********
This is a summary of
Diane *********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 34 comments.



Diane **********
@Graham ******
thanx I did think of taking an extended holiday to check things out, make contact with banks etc. An agent is normally not my style, but it seems to be best option & if it worked for you.. maybe for me too..
Diane **********
@Graham ******
thanx, it would be easiest but my plan is a forever one & can't risk any problems. I intend to leave south africa for good & close my life here, ( I'm only a perm resident here) move to Thailand until I'm too old or get sick & then return to my home country in EU.
Diane **********
@Justin *******
thanx but not for me.. I'm adamant that I can get a full 5 year visa, finances/ passport are πŸ‘ I spent 2 years in Thailand in them days & had to do the boarder run every 3 months. Kho Chang to Malaysia, Cambodian boarder wasn't really a thing in those days although it was a lot closer..

But I'll speak to the Thai embassy to clarify what my chances are...
Diane **********
@John *********
thanx for that, but ... my local health insurance is only valid in this country, as soon as i travel it becomes a travel insurance as an added benefit & when i leave for good it's canceled. Surely the visa conditions just want me to be insured for health so that my bills are paid in case I need it.
Diane **********
@John *********
OK, sorry for wrong wording. Of course i mean health insurance that they have in Thailand

in general a health insurance is called a medical aid where I live & ' the real health insurances here are designed as gap cover or extras like travel only. Its my med aid ( private) that issues the required travel/ health insurance (3 mths only, ) has my medical history insures me for health issues. Hence my wording πŸ˜‰
Diane **********
@Todd ********
thought there is for retirees & luckily I have a non SA passport
Diane **********
@Michael *****
that's the problem, the embassy (visa) requires a 1 year cover, but discovery medaid only gives 3 months... ☹ would they accept the 3 months & as soon as I'm in thailand get a local one & show them?

I can't get insurance until I have the visa & I can't get a visa if I don't have insurance πŸ™ƒ

As said I'm confused πŸ˜„