Some banks may cancel your account. But others won't. As long as you maintain a mailing address in the U.S.A. for correspondence and sending of replacement/renewal debit/credit cards. I have Bank of Hawaii and 2 credit unions. I normally update via online banking travel notifications every 2-3 months. No problems since 2012.
Due to the possible tax policies coming in the near future, you may not want to have money coming into a banking system./account here. No, the tax treaty between the U.S. and Thailand may not include your S.S. or other pensions for tax purposes. But money you are transferring into Thailand may be categorized differently than income. Just have to wait and see how this all plays out. Whether or not those on 12 month retirement extensions (Non-0 visa) have to obtain a Thai tax ID is yet to be determined.
I have a private mail box and forwarding service on Guam. Have had since 2016. This is for banking, Social Security, etc. Banks and credit unions will not send renewal/replacement Visa debit/credit cards to a foreign address. I use credit cards/debit cards whenever possible for day to day shopping. Then pay my cards via online banking, transferring money between accounts. No need to have money sent to Thailand. Only use ATM to get money for rent/utilities and night time extra activities. if youa are retired U.S. military, you can have an APO AP address and get your mail at the JUSMAG compound near the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok. Otherwise, you can rent a mail box here in Pattaya or Bangkok at one of the many Mail Boxes Etc. outliets. I did this for several years before the pandemic.
That's why visa agent services are doeing good business these days. Immigration welcomes them since it brings in more money to stash away in the district slush fund, rather than the official 1900 (chump change) Baht fee for a Non-O.