Dean ********
This is a summary of
Dean ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 14 comments.



Dean *********
@Tod ********
we know each other and wanted talk different things,but noted for future
Dean *********
@Anna *********
I have it in my phone but wasn't sure if i needed to just take old one because I've not moved or landlord needs to update it,and did you see the picture i posted above( I just noticed i got 4months on my 3 month exstention! Strange?
Dean *********
@Tod ********
4 months correct, strange? And yes,the note you posted was correct, so i get my landlord to register me again?
Dean *********
@Tod ********
you maybe correct, but isn't that a strange thing to do as your stamp already tells you when to come back! Also I've just noticed I was given 4 months to come back,i should go at the end of January buy the stamp says end of February (so should I go when the stamp says or when i know my real 90 days would of ended?)
Dean *********
Bora SaturdaySatur my spelling maybe bad,look up what a phycolagist does,but here they also control the strong medicine
Dean *********
@Patrick *******
thank you and i hope ypur healthy now,so in your opinion I should get my phycolagy doctor to write the report as he knows me best,but gather up all my records of x rays treatment ect ive had over the last few years! Or do I need to go up the chain more in the hospital?
Dean *********
@Bobby *******
i brought the prosthetic with me and was already seeing the doctors for 2 years because of open wound,now I'm see the phycolagist to help manage the pain of using my prosthetic, there maybe need for more opperation due to muscle slippage ony lower limb, but we are trying the pain management route for now!??