Ricky ********
This is a summary of
Ricky ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 3 questions and added 101 comments.



Ricky *********
@Michael *******
Hi, I have cash in crypto no problem. The problem is that I hear that it has to be in a Thai bank account for 2 months. I only recently managed to open a Thai Bank account (what a NIGHTMARE!!....I even had to wear a mask). So, I think I will try for a covid extension 60 day). Regards,
Ricky *********
@Bob *********
Hi, Its an O. Ya, I hear its closed tomorrow also -I'll go Monday. Thanks
Ricky *********
@Michael *******
Michael! Nice to hear from you again! Its an O visa...supposedly for retirement. (But I told the NYC lawyer who got it for me that "I want a long stay visa" I thought that's what I had!).
Ricky *********
@Garrett **********
1. It sez "O" category. 2. I hope you enjoyed staying around Karon/Kata. I wonder if you will miss Phuket's beaches?
Ricky *********
@Jonas ************
1.The "fortune teller" you are referring to is very real. And widely available online or any library: search for "The Prince" by Macchiavelli (its all in there). 2.Thanks for the support. I sense you have suffered - sorry. But it could be worse: you could have been born in the Premier League of Gov't Idiocy/Corruption: Canada.
Ricky *********
@Kool ******
1. Years ago, while in Jamaica, the locals nicknamed me"Cool Breeze". It was the second best nickname I ever had. 2. Ok, got it: No 90, but 60 day is possible. 3. Thanks. I'll go tomorrow instead of Friday. 4. I am sorry to report that I'll soon be 50 years old. I have the cash no problem, but I don't meet the "keep it in a Thai bank for 2 months" requirement. But it is in crypto, so I can easily deposit it now (I have a Thai bank account already). I guess I'm trying to avoid the shame of being over 50 (well, over 40..really-that's the worst age ever!). 6. I need to rephrase my question (I'll edit my question, but here it is: What I meant to ask is "If I leave Thailand in January 2022 and I re-enter, can I get a new OA visa? Or do I have to wait another 12 months/whatever. Last: THANKYOU VERY MUCH for the detailed response! Regards, Carlo
Ricky *********
@Scott ******
Drama queen? Bet you wouldn't talk to me like that on the street! My friend runs this board, so I'll block you instead.
Ricky *********
@Scott ******
Hmmm. 1. Have you even flown out of JFK with Qatar? If you haven't, why comment? I'm trying to help people here. The families that were turned away will not be consoled by your blind brand loyalty. 2. Why not ask me for some evidence? I'll do it for ya: I attached a pic of my boarding pass (notice the absence of the gate #). I had to run around DOHA asking the poor Indians that work for QatarAir where the gate for QR40 was. I got a different answer 5 times. Almost missed my flight to Phuket. 3. Highly rated? Do you think that is why Qatar was awarded the World Cup? If so, the rest of the world disagrees. Scott, there are companies called PR firms -you pay 'em serious cash & you will obtain any rating you want. Last, I looked at your previous posts, you make tons of dismissive responses to people. Do us a favor: block me.
Ricky *********
Garrett, this is a VERY serious issue. At JFK, Qatar Airways is a mess. I strongly recommend EVERYONE avoid Qatar Airways. I have written a detailed account of why. I will post it on my profile tomorrow. I would post it on this group, but I want to PM it to you first.I have even prepared a letter to my congressman who is my neighbour back in NY. For now, I can report that many people were turned away even thought they had NYS approved PCR test results.