...what sort of cover have you got and how high is the cost ? I'm curious as I'm retired mid 60s living in Thailand without insurance...and it's something that is a worry to me from what I'm hearing insurance is unafordable once you get into your 70s...obviously I have funds set aside for emergencies but ....
As a UK citizen living in Thailand with a Thai partner I find it sickening that the UK government imposes strict restrictions like this while doing next to nothing to stop illegal immigration.
It's a real pain if as me and my partner do travel often in Thailand....I can understand it if you leave the country but not when you are just traveling in Thailand and live here on a retirement visa...Were moving to live in the Khon Kaen area does anyone know what immigration there rules are on this ?
I get my Thai partner to book hotel rooms and most of the time I'm never asked for ID therefore saving the inconvenience of having to go to immigration to do a TM30 every time we go traveling which is quite often...I also thinks this depends on your immigration office....last time I went they told me I didn't need to do this.