Jon *********
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Jon *********
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Jon *********
@Tom ****
you’re an f’ing r3tard and pathetic and I feel bad for your parents, but they probably don’t care which is why they created you
Jon *********
There's a lot of info on that that you really don't want people seeing.
Jon *********
@Blake ****************************
Or book a $3/night hostel, have them check you in/report you, and act like you just arrived in Phuket. lol
Jon *********
@Blake ****************************
actually, in Pattaya I needed all that paperwork for a 30-day extension. It was because I was in an Airbnb and the Airbnb never reported me to immigration when I arrived. Also, there was a fine because I hadn’t been reported. I just went to Bangkok and did it there instead and didn’t need the paperwork or to pay the fine. I guess you can also go into immigration and just act like you’ve been staying in a hotel.