Alan *********
This is a summary of
Alan *********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 12 comments.



Alan **********
@Gary ******
apologies to all... its sometimes hard to be civil when all you get is ridicule. the whole "google is your friend" is getting real old real quick... YES i have searched google, yes i have spoken to many Thai Nationals....

this group exists for a reason, why bother with it if all you are going to get is smart ass comments.....?

all good, I have the info I need. Enjoy life peeps😀
Alan **********
@Lee **********
🖕👎.... the site is literally called

'Thai Visa Advise - And Everything Else'...

you are an angry as fcuk muppet that needs to be banned by admin, I cant wait to get over there... for your health and safety I hope we never meet.

Go FCUK yourself you useless waste of oxygen
Alan **********
@John *********
Thanks mate, appreciate it. most people here might be jealous i can retire at 43... thats why all the "google is your friend" comments
Alan **********
@Nick ***********
is there a thumbs down option.....?

please see previous post above you muppet
Alan **********
@Steve *********
Multiple times and I am 100% sold on it
Alan **********
@Carsten *********
Thanks, i think you're the first reply with actual numbers for longterm. Best mates wife is from a little village up north,

(cant remember the name). Will be looking at same place or middle of nowhere to be precise..

Im looking to go before I turn 50, have finances sorted here (Aus), just not too sure on how it translates there.
Alan **********
@Todd ********
Am assuming you mean 800k baht yeah..?
Alan **********
To all those saying "google is your friend" etc....

Is this page not called 'Thailand Visa Advice - And Everything Else'.....

Im a little confused 🤣🤣🤣

PS, thank you all for your 'Advice' and comments, had a bit of a laugh at some🤣👌
Alan **********
@Stevie *******
haha why do think im going there...? 🤣🤣