Willemaerts ********
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Willemaerts ********
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Willemaerts ********
No letter from the embassy means no extension. Only 7 days to leave the country.
Willemaerts ********
@Philip *********
2 copy of letter embassy

2 copy first page passport

2 copy of passport page with last visa

2 TM7 (download online)

2 STM2 form (can get @ immigration center)

Register address

2 photo

Willemaerts ********
If you choose to come Monday, please come at 1pm, as we have given several queue numbers already for Monday morning.
Willemaerts ********
I was at immigration office Phuket town all day giving information. It’s indeed correct, visa with expired date 28-29 March can extend on Monday 30th March without penalty.
Willemaerts ********
@Maik *********
I was assisting immigration Phuket today for all day, you can’t do any visa rum currently so you have only the option to apply for “Covid 19 extension” and here we advice everyone to do this only 1-2 upfront of your expiry date, so in your case April 16th. I would go 11-12th as they might close for Songkran...
Willemaerts ********
@Sebastian ********
once again to make it clear , if you leave Thailand and you would like to return (if you can) you need a medical certificate that you’re fit to fly and that you show no signs of C-19 infection + an insurance that covers up to 100.000$, including Covid-19.

The insurance that you mention can only be used when you’re living inside Thailand. Can’t be used to enter the country again once you have left.
Willemaerts ********
DMK won’t close because Airasia is operating from there and all their domestic flight are still scheduled as normal.