Andrew *********
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Andrew *********
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Andrew *********
Self insure if you have the the end of the day these insurance companies are there to make could always just stay at home if it's free.
Andrew *********
You could always buy the elite visa am sure that's still bobbing along, it's a tad expensive but shouldn't be nothing to a man of your calibre....maybe you should just stop where you are with family and friends....😏
Andrew *********
Lite touch paper then retire to a safe distance .....
Andrew *********
Am thinking visa agent. One on every corner of Pattaya.

Also deep pockets.😁
Andrew *********
@Brandon ***********
I keep on hearing about this crack down, but it's never happened in the last 20 years that I know about.... Thais are quite happy with the status quo.
Andrew *********
It would be better for everyone if you stayed at home.
Andrew *********
Most agents will help you open a Thai bank account