How can I help my Thai girlfriend apply for a tourist visa to visit the US?

Oct 18, 2024
8 days ago
Jay **********
I have a question if anyone can help. I am an American currently living with my Thai girlfriend here in Thailand. I am trying to figure out how to go about getting her a tourist visa to come with me and visit my family in the US. Someone has said I have to go back to the US and apply there for her to come visit, is that correct? I want to be able to do it here as I am living here. What do I need to do? Thanks, any help is very much appreciated
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TLDR : Answer Summary
An American expat living in Thailand is seeking advice on obtaining a tourist visa for his Thai girlfriend to visit his family in the US. Participants in the discussion advise that she needs to apply through the US Embassy in Bangkok, emphasizing that the visa application process requires strong evidence of her intent to return to Thailand, such as proof of employment, property, and family ties. The conversation highlights the challenges faced by young Thai women in securing travel visas to the US, as consular officers often view them as high-risk for overstaying. Suggestions include gathering thorough documentation and considering a fiancé visa if they choose to marry.
Brian *******
I tried 2 times to get my girlfriend a visa for the USA . I used a lawyer both times and I gave documents stating that I was her sponsor. They don’t care!!!

Good luck
Michael **********
Don't take her to the US. Buy tickets for your parents and meet in Argentina or somewhere nice.
Bill ********
I appied for my Thai fiancee from America on line. It was a frustrating experience and rather expensive, but she got a visa good for 10 years and had already visited USA once for 60 days, and plan a 2nd USA trip next year 2025.
Av **********
She must first travel to many other countries for many years first to prove to usa embassy she can follow the rules of another country.

2nd she must have land, business, and family to return to Thailand.


She must have lots of money.

4. U must have lots of money

5. If she is fat and ugly she has more of a chance.

Remember the usa embassy can deny her and say she can NEVER apply again. So be careful
Alex ************
My Thai girlfriend was denied. I hope you're both rich, that will make it easier.
Mark ***********
It is very difficult to get a Thai woman a tourist visa, it is more difficult if she is young and pretty. The older she is, and the uglier she is, the easier it is for her to get a visa.

Nonetheless, she still has to qualify. It helps if she has property, assets, bank accounts, and significant cash on hand.
Bill ********
@Mark **********
this info is highly suspect!
Frankie *******
Well firstly go online an make appointment at the US embassy for a tourist visa n nothing else.fiancee n spouse visa takes longer to be approved.when they call her up for interview bring her passport $8,000us dollars to show the officer n return ticket n a job she has on her return.say for travel in america with a friend n she will get 90days stay.
Annie ************
It will not be easy if she's never traveled outside of Thailand. She has to show that she has a home in Thailand, a good job, money in the bank (over the course of years, not newly deposited money), etc. In other words, she has to show that she will not overstay her visa in the US in search of a green pasture. BUT since you live in Thailand, and hopefully has settled well there with a house and the ability to finance your lifestyle, she can make that a point during the interview. It's worth trying.
Saheel ******
Go back US and apply K1 visa class
Henrik *****
For the best and most precise answers, go to a US visa site,
Robert **********
Why would anyone want to go to America? Or why would you want to take someone there? Totally irresponsible.
Matt *******
@Robert *********
If you have the money, there is no place on earth with as much natural beauty, diversity and modern civilization/amenities as N America.

People who bash America are normally not wealthy enough to enjoy it.
Robert **********
The weather is just wonderful too I hear.
Jay **********
@Robert *********
Apparently you have not been to the right places. Undoubtedly America has some not so nice areas but that's with every country
Bill ********
She has to apply at the embassy in thailand and show money in the bank, family ties there, a job, something to bring her back to Thailand. If the paperwork is filled out correctly, ! she should get a visa. My wife got one for 6 months and we got married in the states. (everything goes on hold now). There are permits you can buy (of course) to extend her stay. Now, her mother and sister applied first time and both got 10 year, multi visit visas first time around. (They visited once ).
Guy ******
Dude it’s easyer to bring family there. It takes years to get vacation thing to America. Besides it be the most amazing time for them. Also if you do this consider marrying her on your return with parents. It be an amazing time. And makes documents easyer. Wait sorry still confusing but better. The ceremony is a big deal not like America
John *********
You don’t have to apply while physically being in the US. They told me that lie too. I just asked for the form (so I can fill it out on the plane to LA, 555). I filled out the form, mailed it to my Mom in the US and told her to mail it in. They will only take applications mailed from within the US.

My Thai wife (from the countryside) was determined to get this done 35 years ago. She got it done in 4 months.

As another person stated “what you want to do is nearly impossible”.

But, what my wife did was get a fiancé visa to the US (K1) and we had to get married within 90 days. Been married ever since. Let me help you understand…I am smarter than the average person and if left completely up to me get this done, I would have never succeeded. You can message my wife (Kwan) if you think it will help. Good luck.
Jim ********
Bkk office. 18+ years experience. 02-121-4800 open Monday.
James *********
Tried it twics about ten years ago - during the first attempt, the computers were down at the embassy and they just told her flat out “no” to keep the line moving. Second time - the embassy worker doing the interviewer told her to “give up”, and that she would “never go to the U.S.”. Bout a year later, she came on a K-1 - been married almost nine years now.
Andreas *********
It is best to read the requirements on the homepage of your country. There are so many different opinions from people who have never done it before. It might be a little Stress to fulfill all the requirements, but don't let that stop you. My girlfriend is coming to Europe for the second time on Tuesday. And I always read how difficult it is to get a visa for Schengen To get a room. Nonsense. Ultimately, with the invitation you are liable for all costs, health insurance, flight, accommodation, stay. If you can meet the criteria, 75 percent of the deal is done.
Todd *********
@Andreas ********
because your situation was easy, that hardly makes it nonsense. You just don’t know the difference. Mine gf also got Schengen very easily. USA is a different thing altogether for SE Asia passport holders
Andreas *********
@Todd ********
That's why I said, check the embassy's website. Everything else is speculative.
Scott *********
Plenty of money to start with
David ********
You can't apply for a visa for someone else. She has to apply through the visa service operating for the US Embassy in Bangkok. The key issue is that her application must prove she has strong reasons to return to Thailand. And you have a problem there because being your girlfriend means she has strong reasons to remain with you in the US. You must provide supporting evidence of your ties to life in Thsiland and hers, such a property, business, investment, family. The US Immigration are clued up about Thai girlfriends trying to get to the US so tread carefully and be thorough with the preparation and supporting documentation.
Neale *********
One of the main criteria is that she has something to return to like a business she is running or the owner of, kids or similar that would not make her run off.

And she needs loads of money in her account, not some money somebody has deposited for visa purposes, they will want to see lump sums from income .

Good luck but it's probably easier just for you to go to Thailand
Jon ********
Unless your GF is a homeowner or has a business in Thailand there is no way other then getting a fiance Visa. And you will need at least $75,000 in cash (in the bank...could be more these days) and you must marry must her in 90 days or....forget it.....The immigrtation officers will know in 1 minute what your GF is about.
John *******
@Jon *******
I think if you have shown a history of traveling and shown that you have left when required, that also could be sufficient. My partner isn’t a homeowner nor Business and was able to get a US visa. However, we had already traveled twice to Europe, 1x to Australia, 2x to Japan, Korea, and Singapore, 1x to HK, and Shanghai, and countless times around the region (Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, Laos).
Jon ********
@John ******
I can’t comment on that as I have no personal experience with that scenario. A friend of mine who was quite wealthy brought his Thai GF to the states and married her on the fiancé Visa. He got divorced later and tried to bring another GF onto the states without a fiancé Visa and was refused. He had a monthly income of $30,000. She had no skills or property
John *******
@Jon *******
- yes, it goes back to the point, is there any evidence that the consular can see that will lead the consular to believe she will go back when required. Owning property, being employed, having children who stay being in Thailand, previous travel experience to high income countries and having not overstayed, etc.
James ************
Good luck. They're nearly impossible to get. Because having an American boyfriend increases the likelihood of her just staying there to the government.
Craig ********
@James ***********
For some girls, impossible. For others no problem at all. It really just depends on if she can demonstrate the things they want to see.
Michael *******
I did last year! Lots of paperwork. Evidence of relationship over 5 year period. Photos, etc. finances on both sides. Letter from her employer stating / proving she has a job. Letter confirming date of return to work. She must go to tandy building. Hand in application. Hand in her passport. Biometric scan

Passport returned by special courier. And hey presto. We got the stamp! 🥵
Andy ********
@Michael ******
I would like to bet that 5 years is about average for the process. Congratulations on finally getting it.
Us *****
Give it up buddy. The US government knows that a Thai girl coming to the US will not be going back. Come on, why would she?
Jay **********
Apparently people can't read the original post. Never did I say anything about staying in the US. We would just be visiting so I can walk my daughter down the aisle when she gets married and so she can meet my family, and then we return here. We have a house, car, she doesn't work now as I do very well with my military retirement pay and can take care of everything
Andrew *******
@Us ****
must be desperate to want to stay in US 🤣🤣
Brian *******
@Us ****
just fly her to Mexico or Canada and just walk across the border, that’s the only way she will come to America unless you get married
Andy ********
@Us ****
because Thailand is a wonderful country and the USA isn't. Look at the best two candidates the USA have come up with to be president. Bear in mind this is the best line up in the last 3 elections. 😂
Us *****
@Andy *******
oh come on, don't even let me get started about Thai politics. It is the coup d'etat capital of the world. It has no democracy. The guy that got the most votes got scammed out of his seat by the "real" players behind the scene. The politics is the real House of Cards. It's amazing with all the behind the scene negotiating and backstabbing. America is not perfect, and most Americans are stupid. But it is the flaws that allow you to make your fortune. All you need in America is your talent and your perseverance. They don't care about your race as long as your produce them the greenbacks.
Todd *********
@Us ****
largely because the 🇺🇸 sucks to live. It’s great if you need a job and easy money…. But if you want a great life. It’s Thailand. It’s likely she will be sorely disappointed at the lifestyle in USA
Us *****
@Todd ********
yes, people don't understand that America is a hustle society. We are actually the hardest working country on Earth. The amount of grind and sweat that I put in Los Angeles for the last 15 years wore me out. But I am glad I am able to retire in Thailand currently at my age.
Todd *********
@Us ****
I think at this point, most people really do realize that it’s just a hustle society. And as for hardest working on earth, I think you would find much competition. But probably in the top 100
Billy ******
@Us ****
better to stay in Thailand than the USA.
Andy ********
@Us ****
why wouldn't she....there's a reason so many Americans come to Thailand to live.
James ************
@Us ****
why would anyone want to immigrate to America? Gross.
Us *****
@James ***********
you tell that to all the people that are crossing the southern border illegally.
Andy **********
@Us ****
Do you think they are coming to become Americans, or just yo get a job, make a bit of money, eventually bugger off. Immigrants or expats?
James ************
@Us ****
lol. They're being promised money, work, and running away from a shithole worse than America. Thailand has a lot of poverty, but not a lot of crime. There's no cartel skinning people alive and hanging them over bridges. Not drug wars. People aren't getting SA and murdered all the time. People work hard and have very little in Thailand. But they don't murder each other. For me, Thailand is a better place to live and raise my family.
Lynnette *******
@Us ****
they are escaping abject poverty, starvation, and violence. That's not comparable to a Thai person visiting USA. Stop assuming America is so perfect that people leave their homes for no good reason, just to live in America.
Us *****
@Lynnette ******
if you think the Thais are not facing poverty, starvation, and violence, then you have not seen the real Thailand.
Lynnette *******
@Us ****
perhaps you lived in the roughest, poorest area of Thailand and surrounded by violence. But that's probably not typical of "Thailand".
James ************
@Us ****
Thailand is facing poverty. Yes. That's a fact. The wages are terrible.
Andy **********
@Us ****
Parts of Mississipi are pretty grim, people living in tin shacks.
Rene ********
@Andy *********
welcome to south Africa
Andy **********
@Us ****
Because at this time of year it's "so cold" and she would be afraid of dying.
Us *****
@Andy *********
The US is huge, the southern states are as hot as Thailand.
Andy **********
@Us ****
I've lived in the southern states, Akabama, Mississipi, Tenessee. In winter it gets cold even on the Gulf. Plus Thai ladies will find the food disgusting.
Stephen ********
@Us ****
I'd say because thailand and it's people are nicer 🤷‍♂️
Jay **********
@Us ****
I am taking her to visit my family and my daughters wedding
David ********
@Jay *********
have a try just submit an application with everything required tell the truth about the wedding and your intention to return. You never know if you don't try. You listen to all the stories here and you will freak out. Just give it a try the longer you wait the less chance and disappointment.each application is taken on its merits good luck.
Us *****
@Jay *********
I understand, the the US government is stubborn. My ex Thai gf was given a 10 year tourist visa to the US but she works for Cathy Pacific. You can get approved, but the steps are going to be crazy hard. Interviews after interviews and it is not going to be easy.
Marty *********
@Jay *********
What is the date of the wedding?
Lynnette *******
@Jay *********
too many silly assumptions that EVERYONE enters USA intending to stay. Good luck with the visa, I've heard it can take a while.
Wayne ********
@Lynnette ******
unfortunately that is exactly the mindset of the people that work at the embassy. That’s why anyone applying for a visa to the United States must show significant ties and reasons to return to Thailand.
Lynnette *******
@Wayne *******
many years ago I had to visit the embassy in london. I found it amusing they assumed I'd want to be american, just because I'd married an American.
Wayne ********
John *******
@Lynnette ******
- Unfortunately, that is the mindset of the US consulate. They automatically start off interpreting each applicant as being a risk and it is the applicant’s job to prove them otherwise. You would think traveling with an American partner would be a positive in the consular’s eyes, but in fact is seen as an increased risk.
Lynnette *******
@Us ****
why would she stay in USA? You assume too much.
Frank **********
@Lynnette ******
I agree with Nek, just because some Americans are leaving the US doesn't mean others don't want to live there. Tens of thousands of people immigrate to the US every year. A woman from Thailand can make very good money working in the US to either send to her family or save to use on her return to Thailand in 5 or more years. That's why I plan on going back to the US with my Thai wife so she can build a nest egg before I die. Also you would be suprised how many Thai people live in the US.
Lynnette *******
@Frank *********
they may. And they may not. . But to label all people as wanting to live there because of some imaginary "American dream", is arrogance.
Frank **********
Eric **********
@Lynnette ******
Because she can make 10x the $$$

So many overstay.
Chan *********
@Lynnette ******
its because lots of thais do this to not only in usa but in other countries like Korea for better pay. They are considered high risk for overstaying statistically.
Us *****
@Lynnette ******
because she would make 10x as much in the US than Thailand
Lisa ****************
@Us ****
and pay 12x more in living expenses…
Jason ******
@Us ****
but life ,safety and happiness is far better in Thailand ,the US no longer has the pull to asians it had years ago ,if they could go work anywhere now they would choose Germany,UK ,Dubai all above the US😜
James ************
@Us ****
LMAO. 10X as much income, but 15-20x the cost of living. And America is a crime ridden sh*t hole.
Lynnette *******
@Us ****
so? She'd make 10x more money. . what's that got to do with it? Not everyone wants to live there.
Ernesto ********
Rene ********
@Lynnette ******
it's a dump compared to Thai
Us *****
@Lynnette ******
when you grow up in poverty and given an opportunity to make more money, it is an easy decision to make. We have so many people risking their lives to cross the border illegally for a reason. I agree that not everyone wants to live in the US. But one thing the USA is great at is the Ameriva Dream. The ability to make a fortune on your talent and hard work.
Jason ******
@Us ****
not everyone in Thailand grows up in poverty 😂😂
Frank ********
@Us ****
for the vast majority, that’s all it is (a dream). The majority of immigrants coming into our country have few skill sets, mostly related labor. Life in The US can be very difficult.
Craig *********
@Frank *******
it’s called slave labour.
Lynnette *******
@Us ****
American Dream? Lol.
Michael ********
@Lynnette ******
Correct my wife has been offered loads of jobs overseas, she is not interested.
Frank **********
Good luck because the main thing is proving she has a very, very good reason to go back to Thailand. Job, a house, family, money, etc.
Kool *******
If she doesn't have strong ties to Thailand, like owning a house, and property, has a solid job, and has been paying Thai income tax for a number of years, and has never been out of Thailand, not counting the countries surrounding Thailand, it will be almost impossible for her to get a tourist visa to the US, and hiring an agent, or attorney makes no difference. The process can take over a year.
Mike *******
@Kool ******
Yes that sums it up. Unfortunately if she doesn’t meet the criteria mentioned she probably will be turned down. I know one person that fits this criteria. And she travels to the United States no problem. I know another person. She works for the government but doesn’t meet all of the mentioned criteria. She has applied for a tourist visa three times and has been rejected.
Troy *********
@Kool ******
Even that's no guarantee, my girlfriend had all that. They didn't even look at the documents and just denied it.
Andy **********
@Kool ******
This is why it's a good idea to build up a reliable travel history. Hong Kong, Singapore and Vietnam are seen as having reliable immigration services, Laos is not seen a reliable. A few weekend trips might be in order. I highly recommend the YMCA in Hong Kong as a stonking great deal. Your girlfriend will love you for that, so win win.
Craig *********
@Andy *********
never mention she is your gf. Like someone said “I am going to go see Disneyland”
John ****
@Craig ********
oh they will know that without anybody saying so.
Boran *****
@Kool ******
That’s pretty much the truth of it.
Michael *******
@Kool ******
Jeffrey **********
For a tourist visa she has to apply on her own merits. It's not an easy process nor quick
James *********
@Jeffrey *********
It ain’t cheap, neither - nor guaranteed!
Wayne ********
@James ********
if you do it yourself the only cost is the application fee $185. Getting an agent is useless as they cannot accompany her to the House interview (the most important part of the process). She has to prove significant ties to Thailand, stable job with good income,bank account, land or house ownership car, etc. Attention She will never get approved saying she wants to meet her boyfriend’s parents.  she would have a better chance saying she wants to visit Disneyland. Sorry but all of this is true. Do your research on the best way to get her visa approved. It took me two times to get my wife’s visa approved, and that’s after my wife had already been to America on a fiancé visa and she returned to Thailand because she decided she did not want to live in the US. So that’s why we decided to apply for a tourist visa. It still took her two attempts.
Andy ********
@Wayne *******
great answer.
Craig *********
@Wayne *******
You are 110% in your analysis. I’ve did one for my gf and got it through because she had her own business here in Thailand.
Cissi *********
A visa-application should be made by her (with your assistance and docs. from you). She should apply via the US Embassy in Bangkok.
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