Sam, how did you get on with the certificate.? I can't see anything on medicspot website they issue certs? How many days after test did they issue? I too never uploaded onto NHS and had a private test done on the 8th.
Stuart, on this one where did you read 'reduced to 5 days'? I have found a clinic in the UK that will issue on Day 5 so have emailed them. I emailed the Thai embassy to ask but received no reply :-( I am negative on LFT and not cancelled flight as yet 🤞
If you have to reschedule Thai pass do you have to apply again or can you amend the original? (i ask because it won't let me access my application now)
yes its 10 days in the UK Katie and i wasn't aware so could have got an official test a day earlier. I have email the Thai embassy but no reply so i am going to rebook my flights for the 22nd (infected on 8th). Can't see any other way round it. I feel fine too!! :-(
problem is I can't get the certificate issued until Sunday as that will be 10 days. My flight is booked for Thursday so I thought putting it back to the Friday after was safest bet so then 14 days since infection. Its a pain because had hotel's booked for a road trip Chaing mai to Koh Chang so a lot of reorganising. I will try and contact the thai embassy in London 1st thing and ask their advice also.