What is the process for entering Thailand after testing positive for COVID-19 upon arrival despite having a recovery memo?

April 10, 2022
2 years ago
Katie ******

Hi everyone, if you are flying to Thailand, have a recovery memo, but test positive on your arrival PCR, what is the process for them assessing whether to release you or not?

Do you need to submit your recovery memo to immigration or the health officials on arrival? or do a team of people in hazmat suits arrive at your hotel to interrogate you before deciding what to do with you?

We will be borderline 14 days from date of infection when we arrive, depending when you count from and depending when they actually process the PCR test! thanks
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TLDR : Answer Summary
This discussion outlines the procedures and requirements for travelers entering Thailand who test positive for COVID-19 upon arrival despite having a recovery memo. Users emphasize the importance of obtaining a recovery certificate from a healthcare provider, ideally presented at the airport to avoid quarantine. It is generally accepted if at least 10 days have passed since the positive test. Travelers are advised to have multiple copies of documents organized in the order required by Thailand Pass and to consider the current health regulations. Experiences shared in the comments clarify entry expectations and challenge the understanding of recovery timeline specifics.
Mark ******
If you have to reschedule Thai pass do you have to apply again or can you amend the original? (i ask because it won't let me access my application now)
John **********
Don't you have to be 14 days from infection in order to get the recovery certificate? If so you can't be borderline 14 days on arrival
Guy *********
I sure hope so. I’m going submit all paperwork shortly. There was also a chest X-ray and 2 Dr visits I had to pay for also. That was another 3000 b or so.
Dañ *****
Best and safest assumption to take in this situation: if you test positive on arrival, they will send you to a quarantine "hospitel" for 14 days at your own expense.

It's happened, keeps happening, and will continue to happen as long as they rules are the way they are
Guy *********
@Dañ ****
just to clarify, the quarantine is 10 days. I know. I just did it
Guy *********
I was able to stay at same hotel that I booked for the 1 day test and go. They charged me
b for the 10 days. Would have been
if I wanted to communicate with a Dr each day. Why would I as I had no symptoms
Mark ******
@Guy ********
did the insurance pay this Guy?
Katie ******
@John *********
not sure if you’re referring to a specific recovery certificate? In Singapore they issue one at Day 7, or earlier if you test negative before then. In Thailand maybe doctors will only issue them after 14 days? Not sure? My quandary is - it depends when you start counting. Is day of infection counted as Day 1, or the day after?
John **********
@Katie *****
all the Thai information relates to a 14 day certificate as far as I can see
John **********
@Katie *****
day 7 post infection? So you have to have a doctor certify you've recovered 7 at least 7 days before issuing? I didn't realise anywhere did one after 7 days, I've no idea how Thailand would treat this
Stuart *********
In February I got tested on arrival PCR, results came through 8 hours later at 2am, while I was isolating at my hotel , at 2:15am I gave my Certificate of recovery to the hotel manager , he photo copied it and sent it off to the relevant authorities, at 11 am a doctor came and looked at the Certificate, at 11:17 am I was free to go, best thing I did was get a Certificate of recovery.
Stuart *********
@Katie *****
just to clarify that, I tested positive on the 25th January, isolated for 7 days, 2 days after recovering i got a certificate, 4 days after recovering i arrived in Phuket so there was not a 10 day period between recovering and travel, the authorities in Thailand were only interested in seeing a certificate, they do not want to send you to Quarantine, its bad for tourism, that certificate is their excuse to let you off, and boy they were happy to see it 😊
Katie ******
@Stuart ********
that makes sense. Especially as there going to scrap the PCR thing next month anyway
Katie ******
@Stuart ********
how many days from testing positive to arriving in Thailand?
Katie ******
gotcha. I make that 11 days including 25th, and they let you in, so that's good!
Stuart *********
@Katie *****
tested positive on the 25th January, arrived Phuket 6:30 pm Friday 4th February
Stuart *********
I forgot to say I tested positive, and I only recovered 3 days before arriving in Thailand
Mark ******
@Stuart ********
in bangkok and tested negative so no issues 👍. Appreciate the time you took out to respond to me, many thanks 🙏🏻
Mark ******
@Stuart ********
okay thanks Stuart. I will keep searching lol.
Stuart *********
Fly, don't cancel, the Thai Authorities only require 10 days after recovery, which i think has now been reduced to 5 days, but judging by their reaction to my situation it doesn't matter, they just want to see that you have done the required 7 days isolation after testing positive and have a doctors Certificate to prove it.
Mark ******
@Stuart ********
Stuart, on this one where did you read 'reduced to 5 days'? I have found a clinic in the UK that will issue on Day 5 so have emailed them. I emailed the Thai embassy to ask but received no reply :-( I am negative on LFT and not cancelled flight as yet 🤞
Stuart *********
@Mark *****
while I was there they discussed a 5 day test and go/ sandbox program, it was based on the assumption that after testing positive to Omicron, the symptoms were clear after 5 days, I am not sure but I thought they implemented this policy on April 1st
Mark ******
@Stuart ********
problem is I can't get the certificate issued until Sunday as that will be 10 days. My flight is booked for Thursday so I thought putting it back to the Friday after was safest bet so then 14 days since infection. Its a pain because had hotel's booked for a road trip Chaing mai to Koh Chang so a lot of reorganising. I will try and contact the thai embassy in London 1st thing and ask their advice also.
Katie ******
@Mark *****
so you’re flying from the UK and they will only issue a certificate after day 10?
Stuart *********
@Mark *****
my Certificate was just from my local doctor stating that I have recovered from Covid and are now symptom free, that's all, on a normal medical clinic letter head and signed by him
Mark ******
@Stuart ********
I don't think a GP will do it here. It had to be the NHS and they have closed testing now so need a private clinic and pay.
Stuart *********
@Mark *****
sorry to hear that, but that certificate is vital in your situation, try ringing your local doctor, the Certificate is simply a letter from a doctor stating that you have had Covid and have recovered
Mark ******
@Stuart ********
its gotta be worth a phone call then... i will try
Mark ******
@Stuart ********
Stuart, was your cert of recovery 10 days old or 14? I am in this predicament now. Tested positive 8th. Can get the cert from 17th and be 10 days but i've read comments about 14 days.?
Katie ******
@Mark *****
I believe it’s 14 days from the date of infection.
Mark ******
@Katie *****
thanks Katie, I read that somewhere too. It's a nightmare!
Katie ******
@Mark *****
what I can’t get clarity on is - whether the day of infection counts as Day 1. That’s a bit of an important distinction for me! The wording on all the official sites isn’t super clear is it. Nightmare. I also tested positive on 8th April
Mark ******
@Katie *****
yes its 10 days in the UK Katie and i wasn't aware so could have got an official test a day earlier. I have email the Thai embassy but no reply so i am going to rebook my flights for the 22nd (infected on 8th). Can't see any other way round it. I feel fine too!! :-(
Stuart *********
@Mark *****
, I got the impression that they don't want to Quarantine you, its not good for their tourism industry, they are looking for a reason to not isolate you, a Certificate of recovery gives them this option and they gladly accept it, the manager was extremely happy to see it, the arrivals that don't have it after having had Covid leave them with no choice but to Quarantine you in the hospital, that's when your vacation starts to get expensive, I hope this helps😊
Mark ******
@Stuart ********
I was contemplating getting a PCR on weds and flying Thursday if negative as its been 10 days but I don't think it's worth the risk of a positive result on friday but means I've got to put back my flight back a week to get the 14 days recovery. (And yes it helps thank you 👍)
Stuart *********
@Mark *****
i got my Certificate on the 2nd February, my flight was 4th February, , i got a PCR test on the 3rd February and was negative but came up positive the next day on arrival in Phuket .
Michael ********
Its something to do with the count in your CT ? If you are positive Over 30 or 35 some reports about it before
Ellwood **************
@Michael *******
No - for Thailand over 38.
Michael ********
@Ellwood *************
ok wasnt sure cheers for clarifying
Ge ***********************
Just make sure of covid insurance as they require so things will be easy if ever something wrong happen.
Ham ********
Be very careful not to fall victim to the $6,000 Thai Hospitel Scam for omicron “treatment”. The forums are full of reports….
Katie ******
@Ham *******
oh really do you have any links? Or are there reports on this page?
Ham ********
@Katie *****
An easy search will show you what you want to know more about. Start with google, and then Facebook… I’ve seen many of them but don’t store links or do research for others… best of luck!
Yvonne *********
What is a recovery memo.

If it is a recovery letter signed by your doctor stating that you have had covid and have recovered with the dates you had it and recovered from it.

Then yes you need it and at the airport they will ask for it and put it on your file, that way if you test positive they have a record, also show it to your hotel.

Make sure you have a couple of copies of it.

Also for peace of your own mind test yourself using rat tests a couple times before you leave to fly to Thailand.

We haven’t had covid but still tested twice to make sure before we flew to Thailand

Also it’s a lot easier and faster if you have all the documents you need to enter Thailand printed out and put in the same order as how they have it on the Thailand pass. It is a lot easier than using copies on your phone and faster
Jo ********
Bring a copy with you and you can also upload into Thailand Pass. If you arrive and have the letter, they will allow you to leave . If you don’t have the letter, plan for 10 day QT .
Jared **********
Thailand “you need CoV post 14 days after infection”

Katie “YOLO”

Please keep us updated 🙃
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