Kornelia ********
This is a summary of
Kornelia ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 5 comments.



Kornelia *********
@Mikko *********
theoretically yes but I was told that only information they store is your passport number. Following that if the passport is lost and you don’t remember the number it might be not possible to check it.

Other data like your name or date of birth is not enough since there might be two people with same details.
Kornelia *********
Of course I don’t advise you to do that but someone told me that in such situation the only option is to report your passport as lost and make a new passport.
Kornelia *********
Your answer is really helpful, thank you! Do you know how many days do I have to stay in Malaysia before I will be allowed to enter Thailand on the way back?
Kornelia *********
@Brandon ***********
, I will, thanks! I am Polish btw.