Beverly **********
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Beverly **********
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Beverly **********
@Robert ****
I am keeping my Medicare AND living abroad...cuz if an American is spending a minute in the US of A, and gets into an accident or gets sick, they are SCREWED, going bankrupt on even one hospital stay without it. Nobody knows UNLESS you are foolish enough to tell them. Keep a US mailbox always and you are fine.
Beverly **********
Start your own multi-million dollar company and then open an office in Thailand. You'll have to hire Thai workers, of course. Get familiar with the laws and procedures. Or if you are a licensed professional teacher, get hired by an international school.
Beverly **********
Does it matter? What does one even DO once one 'recognizes' a D.N.? Is there a specific protocol to follow? Perhaps a special greeting, akin to Star Trek Pom Farr Ritual?
Beverly **********
True. And if you DARE to say anything political about Thai politics or royalty, you are breaking laws, big time. So best to stay like Switzerland, totally neutral here in the L.O.S.....or get used to life in the Bangkok Hilton!
Beverly **********
I am 59 and eligible to grab my Social Security (with decent money) at around age 64. My 401K and IRA will also have been invested well and growing all that time. The 7 years that I am sending $$$ to Kasikorn will easily fund my retirement visa, plus my flight and all the various moving expenses and deposits.

I am blessed to be a widow. Sucks that my husband died, but it means that for social security purposes, I can take HIS s.s. benefit first, then flip it over to my own at age 70 and get a hefty "pay raise" at that time. In Thailand, as we know, 2K a month for someone who doesn't drink alcohol and doesn't have a significant other is a small fortune.
Beverly **********
@Lee **********
Well, I am guessing that a retiree has a pension that will cover the majority of expenses in Thailand, such as social security, right?
Beverly **********
@Jan *****************
BINGO! That is EXACTLY what I plan to do! hahaha

Thinking strategically is the key to success!
Beverly **********
@Nongnuch *******
I was 54 years old at the time. A widow. Did it all by myself, no help from anyone. It was super easy.
Beverly **********
@Jan *****************
Of course! But I plan to travel alot back home, and all around SE Asia. I have no specific ties to a specific place. But for those who are stuck in Thailand, for sure the O visa is best.