Živi-človek ********
This is a summary of
Živi-človek ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 16 comments.



Živi-človek *********
I had last year yearly retirement visa with multiple enty but I needed to go out every three months
Živi-človek *********
I have been asking about retirenment visa with multiple entrances if I need to leave a country every three months and everybody heresaid YES.

Few days ago I met person with retiredment visa and he told me....he do nog need to leave a vountry. So I 'm again in the begining😕
Živi-človek *********
@Robert ******
so I can just cross the border? I do not need to go to ambassy outside the Thailand?
Živi-človek *********
@Benjamin *****
thank you so much. This is much better than I would need to go to any ambassy (Penang, KL or others). Can you maybe recomend me clossest and easiest border town I can go?
Živi-človek *********
@Benjamin *****
and what is actualy 90 days report and why would I want to do that if I can’t stay longer?