Tommi ***********
This is a summary of
Tommi ***********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 8 comments.



Tommi ************
29 days after a day is 30 😘
Tommi ************
Do I need to have pictures with me or is it enough with only the passport? Do I need paper from my wifes house?
Tommi ************
@Kurt *******
Do I need to have pictures with me or is it enough with only the passport?
Tommi ************
@Kurt *******
Thats nice. Im think I going to do that. Thank you
Tommi ************
That's what I have. Thank you for the information
Tommi ************
So after I get 60 days. Can I ask for another 60 days after that?
Tommi ************
Thats what Im always doing when I stay here. I have multiple entries so I think I go abroad this year again to get 3 months