Ray ********
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Ray ********
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Ray ********
@Niel ************
no problems Niel, you and gf can work through the application together even if you are in UK and she is in Thailand as long as you have her password you can view her application as she goes... can save it and go back to it later.
Ray ********
Niel,I've done it twice now for my partner..no issues really provided she can show she is returning,has work,money in her Bank account, previous good character and you provide a covering letter of invitation showing your solvent and will cover her for any unforeseen money issues whilst in UK.. the online application is easy to follow...DM me if any problems
Ray ********
@Brandon ***********
it's my long term partner name..her investment for future after my days..she has a thriving holiday let and b& b at her other house and I wanted somewhere else t stay that was comfortable for my needs
Ray ********
Can anyone advise on my situations please...I'm new to all this although been coming back and fore from UK for 10 years...last year I decided to take the plunge and have rented out my property in UK long term...I am currently on a retirement visa expiring Feb 25 arranged through an agent and via Pattaya immigration...what are my financial requirements in bank to produce to immigration for the 2nd year..i have had 1 million thb in my bank account over this year,but it has now dwindled and will be next to nothing come February as we have purchased a house outright for 2.5 m... I don't want to have to put another 800k in this year if I can avoid it as my investments in UK are stronger than being in Thailand bank. Can I do it through an agent again the same as last year or are things different now....many thanks for any responses