Laos is beautiful and very worth visiting. I wouldn’t take my travel advice from someone who didn’t enjoy their border run - I mean when are they ever fun.
sure, will do. I need it for the 20th of September and want to submit all docs this weekend. I’m a bit nervous as in to whether they will grant it in time but fingers crossed🤞
Thanks for the heads up! I kind of wonder how an onward ticket helps me with the Visa, since they say they are only 48 hours valid?
Has anyone experience with that? I have never used one. But I guess if the process time for the Visa is up to 2 weeks, then an onward ticket is kinda useless?
ok, sounds scary 🙈so for the application you didn't have an onwardticket but when you actually entered thailand you prepared with one that was within 60 days? Did you use
great, thanks for your reply! It's wonderful to know that it's still alright if I get the grant after arriving, I feared the money would be lost because of not being in Europe while receiving the visa grant
2) That's a lot of flights, I guess I could just do with 2 from onwards ticket service? Only my flight into Thailand is currently booked. Bus tickets don't work, right?
I have to upload all 3 tickets with the application then, right?