Claudio ************
This is a summary of
Claudio ************
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 6 comments.



Claudio *************
I made Thursday in Phuket as usual not any problem
Claudio *************
Thanks we have to wait and be patient 🤗
Claudio *************
I have same question cause now I’m in Thailand with visa extension, but when Int flight resume I would like to go in hk for a week, than after I can came in Thailand with APEC card or not?
Claudio *************
Thank one question in this group the holder of APEC cars are allowed to come in?
Claudio *************
Morning, I just call the hot line of immigration and they said that also APEC visa is extended till 31 July, I trust them but if someone have other confirmation please let me know......
Claudio *************
Thanks Daniel I will do and I let you know the reply if I get....