If you dont have one already go create a western union account. You can transfer from there and see all the options and prices. I.e. debit card to bank, bank to bank, bank to cash pick up ect..
For example i just transfered money on friday when the online rate was 33.99 per USD (you will always get less than the online rate) and they gave me 33.48 per USD and charged me $0.99 cents usd.
Absolutely 😐. If you haven't the only explanation is you dont understand thai or arent in bkk. Its a very different type of racism than you might expect but its everywhere. I might add the quality of people vastly out weigh any draw back from this and as many others stated you will find this in every country.
This comment section is wild. I have come to find your varied experience in Thailand has much to do about who you are and what you do while here. I have collected my own understanding of the cultural differences, societal norms, and common themes in the personalities of thai Thai peoples and to say the LEAST, it is far different than the wild assumptions seen above. 😂
This is how it seems to work. Not an expert by any means but If no services or goods provided on thai soil and no money is going to or from a foreign or thai buisness account to or from a thai bank account you are in the clear.
Again not an expert but never heard of anyone following this criteria having issue and have heard of those not following this criteria having issues.