Kevin McGregor not been... drove to Malasia for visa runs a couple of times so I've been close but I've heard bad things about Yala, Pattani & Narithariwat...
I'm quite partial to Sprite and not being beheaded...
it was for my inlaws, they're here now and the processing time was only 10 days. We heard literally nothing during that time so were concerned it might not be happening but well pleased with the result in the end.
yes I know everyone has to do this etc, you are meant to apply for a visa first so I'm hoping that because of this its a given that you'll have insurance as you need it to get the Thailand pass.
doesn't make sense to me. You would have thought that one can't be got without the other. You need to prove this for the visa and without that you wouldn't be able to apply for the Thailand pass. I don't hold out much hope on having contact from the embassy in London.