you've missed the whole point. The health insur premium limit is about to be raised to 3m tbh making the cost to potential & existing OA visa holders prohibitive. Replace the word levy with cost.
As the new legislation has yet to be passed( 3m inpatient,40k out patient plus covid insur has yet to be passed your new OA visa app appears to have been approved under the existing mandatory limits ie 400k inpatient,plus 40k outpatient,plus covid insurance.The conditions of your policy are a little vague & I think you may have problems meeting the new requirements when renewing your visa in 12 mths time. I have multiple discounts based on 11 yrs of no claim bonuses. I am 70 yrs old.
I currently pay a 36k premium to meet the existing
k plus covid. I anticipate the premium for full coverage of the new 3m requirement will be between 75 -100k.
yes they obviously have open slather to impose these mandatory requirements without explanation or justification. Wouldn't be surprised to see compulsory life insurance featuring thai benificiaries ...perhaps with a proportionate amount payable to the thai gov next on the agenda..haha
i am not from uk so can't help you. Some countries offer 60 days. However you can usually apply for an additional 30 days from most thai immigration offices once here.
Who in their right mind would purchase an OA visa given the health insurance requirements now burdened on this unfortunate group of expats over the past 3yrs. For some unexplained reason they have been targeted by the thai gov.
Expats planning on settling in Thailand permanently are better of entering the country on 30 or 60 day tourist visas & converting to non O type long term visas to avoid the exhorbitant insurance premium costs now being demanded from the ever diminishing numbers of OA visa holders.
In terms of customer service i am referring to occasions when I have contacted them for advice on health insurance policy inclusions/exclusions & the neverending immigration requirement shifts. Always efficient & with excellent english language skills.
My one hospitalisation involved both in/out patient expenses. It was the result of a motor accident where the other driver was deemed by the police to be 100% at fault. I sustained a broken leg & extensive ligament damage, the total bill would have run into 2-300k tbh. However without being sure i think the other drivers insurance co coughed up the cost me nothing. Sorry for being a bit vague on this.