Wow, you too are seeing tons of stuff in my post that was neither said nor implied. I’m sure deep down you’re wishing me good luck with my health problem, just as I’m wishing you good luck with your misanthropy.
You’re speaking in ignorance about my condition, making a lot of false assumptions, for example that plane rides are more hazardous than car rides to my condition. This was unexpected and a dramatic re-injuring of an old, healed injury, not something easy to forecast. I had no idea of the preciseness of description I should have used to avoid a false public scolding from callous seekers of negative critique. Even if I had acted imprudently, my statement is still 100% true about what the laws are now compelling me to do, aside from workarounds I haven’t yet found. I think you’re wrong about what medical insurance could do. You have no knowledge of what responsibility I’ve admitted or haven’t, and there’s no reason a post like this should be a psychological or civic confessional.