Na ****
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Na ****
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Na ****
The Chinese seem to be the main ones influencing Thai policy on this matter, so it shouldn't come as a surprise.
Na ****
Thinking that countries can maintain a complete lockdown for 2 years is insane.

The virus will spread regardless of intentions.

I think we will see revolutions if things don't start going back to normal after summer, at which time the disease will likely start becoming eradicated in many areas outside China.
Na ****
Have they said when they will start opening up for the immune?
Na ****
Can't you do one of you first, then the other one?
Na ****
Too bad the rest of the world is showing the way to fascism in this case.
Na ****
Brett Wilkins Most terrorists are paid for by governments. So that's bullshit.

Looks like you have some learning to do.

Money laundering laws were made to steal the money of normal people who haven"t done anything wrong.

One guy just got $5000 he found in his late fathers bedroom confiscated because he couldn't conclusively prove where it was from. There was no suspicion of any kind of wrong-doing, only lack of knowledge of origin.

All money trails end at some point, therefore money laundering is a carte blanche law for government to spy on everyone, and if necessary, steal their money. This is in a country that has had very few robberies and such.
Na ****
I used to take out 50k from atms each time from banks abroad. And now this 🤣

Money laundering laws are just an excuse for more surveillance.