Sannita ********
This is a summary of
Sannita ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 4 questions and added 9 comments.



Sannita *********
No harm in trying though! I believe you have to get your first ID card in your Thai hometown.
Sannita *********
I’ve just started the same process. You need to go the Thai embassy in London with lots of forms with your mother. Drop them an email, they were super helpful with the process.
Sannita *********
@Wayne ********
no phone numbers with data package. And yes I have a German esim which works perfect (currently turned off)
Sannita *********
@Wayne ********
no Thai number as it’s a data only package. But yes to your previous question. I have done it all. 😫
Sannita *********
@Brandon ***********
sorry last question. Can I do it as soon as I arrive in Thailand? Thanks!
Sannita *********
@Brandon ***********
thanks super clear. Do you know if the 30 day extension is usually easy/problem free to get approved?