Sarah ********
This is a summary of
Sarah ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 3 questions and added 10 comments.



Sarah *********
No not at all, you go in number so if for example your 119 they call the numbers up in bunch if that makes sense (0-20, 20-40 ect) Your in and out now
Sarah *********
It’s very well organised now it’s a lot better with the booking system
Sarah *********
Iv just tried again keep getting sane message, doing it off my phone. Il try tomorrow off my laptop
Sarah *********
I need my non B . Il try tomorrow from my laptop
Sarah *********
@Jeremy *******
how would I get from Laos to Thailand, sorry if silly question I’m not panicking
Sarah *********
@Tod ********
if this happens to me tmr, flying in from Bali, could I fly to Laos and cross that way .?