Check if the school you are applying with is able to offer the Education and Guardian visa.
If so, the school will give you the paperwork from their side and with your required paperwork (birth certificates, passport, statements, etc) you are able to apply for the visa in your country - 90 days only.
One Guardian visa per one student.
Once entered Thailand you have to open a bank account and deposit into it 500K Baht. After about 2.5 months you can apply for the extension (again with all necessary paperwork)
Yes I could go the agent route, it seemed easy enough to go through the drive through. Unfortunately the children had to be with us for the drive through service but as I was advised in different post I can go into the office 101 to do on their behalf instead.
yes initially we thought so and took our kids with for the first 90 days visa application which was done in another country. It was chaos and they said we don’t need them here as long as have necessary a paperwork.