Really? i could think of lots of reasons this happened. And perhaps she is not telling us the entire truth. But who am I to judge? I’ve made a thousand worse mistakes than this. Whether accidental or purposeful.
So I’d rather just help or say nothing. I have zero right to be judgy and I’m willing to bet noone here does either if they are 30+. Soooo ya that kind of has lots to do with the responses here.
If this is the worst thing she has done, I’m sure she’s ahead of 99% of you on the cosmic douche scale.
Do any of you take a look at yourself in the mirror every day and remember the “not-so-perfect” actions you have taken in your life???
Also, Thailand just isn’t the end-all, be-all for many world travelers. It’s not, I promise. I know it is for some of you “I’ve lived here for 25 years blah blah look at me, I’m a douche that has never traveled anywhere else” people. But there really is lots more places to live, many of them better than Thailand in many ways. I’m sorry to be the one that breaks this to you..
that answer was the BOOK ANSWER. But not necessarily the truth. I flew in yesterday on a one-way flat out no onward travel at all. I do it all the time. 25 seconds in front of immigration officer, stamp/stamp have a nice day. That makes leaving when you decide to leave lots easier.